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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Officially out on Sept. 29th, but my preorder says it won’t arrive until October 12th
  2. I’m a democrat thru and thru, but the NY Times live fact checking the RNC speeches but not the DNC speeches doesn’t send the message of “non-partisan journalism”...
  3. New Updates (24/08/20): New Zealand has extended lockdown in Aukland until Sunday, as they contain a large cluster of cases (about 50 community cases). President Trump called the new cluster of cases in NZ a "big breakout, that we wouldn't to happen here". Meanwhile, the US is on a downward trend, with 36,000 cases reported on August 24th (compared to the 50,000+ daily cases reported last week). Russia is pushing it's vaccine on it's population, with backlash from the global health community. Trump is considering fast-tracking the UK Oxford Vaccine for the American public ahead of the November election. Italy has also began testing it's vaccine candidate on volunteers. Public Health Authorities believe a global vaccine to end the pandemic will not be available before Autumn 2021, however rich countries in the West could have a vaccine as soon as this winter.
  4. Jacob Blake has become the latest victim of police brutality, last night in Wisconsin. He was shot by police after "turning his back to the officers" who had pulled him over. He was unarmed. No news on why he was pulled over. He is in critical condition as of this morning. I will not post the video of the shooting, but it is being shared on many news websites.
  5. McArthur Park! omg also Where the Wild Roses Grow
  6. While all those things outlined above are amazing and I can only hope we have them in our country in the near future, this is not the election to write in a candidate. Too much is at stake, and while Biden may not be the perfect answer to many of our problems right now, he will at least set-up a future where such things are possible (as opposed to Trump, who may perhaps set humanity back as bad as the burning of the Library of Alexandria). Also, lets not get cocky about Biden's winning streak in the polls---Dukakis lead Bush by 17 points in the summer of 1988, but Bush ended up beating him in November 426-111
  7. Update: The best part of all this is that Bannon admits on Qanon/Deep-state conspiracies, that "deep state conspiracy theory is for nut cases". Thank god. Hopefully those internet trolls spreading false information on trafficking can go away now.
  8. Mer


    So apparently after shutting down a biopic about her that has already been written, Madonna is writing her own screenplay with Oscar-Winning writer, Diablo Cody. She posted about it on both her Instagram stories and IGTV. Not much is known about the project, other than that she was describing her 90s tours to the writer.
  9. Tbh I would’ve paid Bannon’s bail myself if I could’ve been a fish in the water when he was arrested on that yacht this morning lmaooooo. The look on his face must’ve been priceless
  10. the biggest joke is that ppl think the guys who can pay a 5m dollar bail and party on a billionaire's yacht are the guys who "care about working class Americans" lmaooo
  11. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    She’s working out so she has the stamina to single handedly carry the music industry on her back on Sept. 5th
  12. Steve Bannon has been charged and arrested on charges relating to fraud; specifically that an online rally raising money for Trump's Border Wall was instead used for personal financial gain by Bannon and three others. Lmao I'm actually dead I thought this guy was suppose to be a "genius". On a related note, a judge has ordered Trump release his tax reports. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53853297
  13. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    So was no one gonna tell me that “Betty” is from Jame’s perspective, “Cardigan” is from Betty’s perspective, and “August” is from the other girls perspective!!!
  14. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Yes! I've noticed, for me, there's a very significant drop in quality between the writing of her big singles and her album tracks (We Are Never Getting Back Together vs All To Well, e.g.)...will definitely dive into her deeper cuts!
  15. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    The Lakes is out on streaming. Honestly I was never a Taylor fan before this album, but this album is truly a masterpiece in both writing and production. Truly the best album so far of 2020
  16. until i revisited the pic, i thought she was on the far left in the pink cap lol...but I'm also sitting in the sun so maybe the glare on the screen lol
  17. This felt like Where’s Waldo! I didn’t realize how much chins/jaws are used in facial recognition!
  18. This is beautiful the colours are so soothing. Thank you!
  19. I don’t see either of them tbh...
  20. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Thunderstorms, can’t sleep. Listening to Epiphany bc the Violets audiobook wasn’t loading from the cloud
  21. I don’t think it was scrapped? I think it was just literally unfinished...
  22. Almost a month later, and Paradise is Very Fragile and Never to Heaven are my most frequently listened to and my favourites
  23. Weird question: does anyone else have a different avi on mobile? My new avi is on desktop when I use my Mac, but on my phone it still shows my old avi lol edit: just logged out and logged back in and it seems to have fixed itself sorry!
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