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Everything posted by Mer

  1. if i were her i'd be making my management call the President of this fuck ass awards show and tell them that not only am I not showing up, I am also going to slash the tires on Taylor's car so she can't show up either if they don't give me an award, and tank their ratings
  2. She's driving the rickety bus Boygenius met on off a cliff
  3. Wasn't Jill Biden a surprise presenter last year? Watch Donald Trump walk out on stage, open the envelope, point to Boygenius, Taylor Swift, Olivia, Miley and SZA and say "you lose"
  4. what the fuck is jaw dropping and standing ovation worthy about Travis Kelce. And he's not a "global icon" he's barely a national icon.
  5. I mean she should NOT be giving the Grammy's the attention after they literally dragged her ass through 3 hours of LA traffic to last year's ceremony only to make her watch Harry Styles say "this does not happen to people like me [straight white men]" after she lost AOTY to him.
  6. “I mean Phoebe come on, that’s barely even a song”
  7. SOTY is for songwriting no? (That’s why ppl were shocked when that country song won over All Too Well last year). Based on that, A&W is the strongest contender.
  8. I hope Beyoncé and Lana join The Weeknd and never submit anything to the Grammys ever again if she loses the remaining categories. Also I still blame ALL of this on Billie Eilish.
  9. @mssainttropez knew the only way she could top accidentally posting scat on LB was accidentally posting Nazi memorabilia on LB (but also I love you and pls don’t take this offensively)
  10. Honestly the lows Nikki Lane will stoop to to ensure that that Lana album collab happens is sickening. Imagine creating an entire fake band called “boygenius” just to keep Lana in your friend group
  11. the jokes weren’t funny, they paid the money, the scammy’s voters don’t know what to say
  12. Me personally, I’ve never met a boy who was a genius. Most are quite idiotic.
  13. Goodbye Boygenius vinyl (and just in case this gets picked up by other fandoms as proof that Lana stans are unhinged this IS a joke obvs Im not burning vinyls here)
  14. we have a good amount of evidence Taylor admires and looks up to Lana a lot (the signed vinyl, Taylor wearing the race car jacket, the photos from 2019 that we didn’t even know about). Whether it’s a genuine personal friendship or like “work friends” sorta thing idk.
  15. If she wins a Grammy I hope she (gently non-violently for legal reasons 😌) tosses it at Boygeniuses heads.
  16. Boygenius literally played a show at our local CARNIVAL this past summer like the CLOWNS that they are
  17. What? You were literally here posting about Boygenius with the rest of us when she lost what are you talking about?
  18. Life rocked me, ultrasoftly, bad beginning to my new year
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