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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. At this point its not dreaming, it’s being delusional.. jack sucked out all of the magic out of her music and I will never get over it
  2. I wonder whet she blackmailed Ben with this time so he agreed to not release this album on Friday
  3. Yeah do 8 uk shows in a 2 year span yet the last time she went to Eastern Europe was 6 years ago
  4. Chunk again trying too hard to give off „vintage aesthetic” while choosing the worst camera possible it’s giving 2010 omegle instead
  5. Not a single person on this planet asked for a chemtrails jacket restock
  6. Don’t hate me but I want an October (next year) release date. We need a spooky gothic autumn album after all these years
  7. Omg just throw this shit away and record a new honeymoon on Walmart microphones in 2 weeks Jesus christ
  8. I start to believe jinn about the elections now
  9. Can u pls share the link, I missed the story
  10. Im giving up on this album yall should too
  11. She couldn’t tho. Not with jack thats the problem
  12. Again not a single person asking about the single
  13. With all due respect that’s obviously a completely different situation
  14. This is literally insanity… watching rednecks fight on the ground in a trailer park? She’s only missing a shotgun and a maga hat. Lana respectfully how can u sink this low
  15. I just need a spooky horror southern gothic single by Rick nowels sampling Ave Maria in October and I’ll be fine
  16. This isn’t fuel if u know he’s a bad man then it should be said.. maybe it could eventually reach Lana and help her
  17. Girl bffr u said u have tea about the swamp man and now you’re backtracking??
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