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Everything posted by Lustformoney

  1. omg they have in a description that they played the disc...someone from serbia better seduce them and ask about the songs
  2. can she do anything... she does not give a fuck about this album n i dont blame her tbh, it was pretty much finished in 2019 (except for like 2 songs) and shes probably fed up with it she could at least pretend that shes excited
  3. this is so dry feels like the album is coming in july or in like half a year, not in 10 days
  4. the way the album has been ready since august but lana delayed it just because she wasnt sure of Dealer and she didnt include it anyway so we have neither Dealer nor september 5th release
  5. lmao even Polydor pretends that this is the official cover. i just know that lana bullied ben into changing it in the last minute https://www.instagram.com/p/CMHpQ-ZBoT9/?igshid=1rj9czou0pwe1
  6. The lattm tour n 2019 festival tour were ok but the nfr was a joke
  7. Which one of you clowns is spreading misinformation again... The comments https://www.instagram.com/p/CMF38L3HYzP/?igshid=4k66t3wwurrz
  8. Even if it was delayed, it would leak from one of the million of music shops chill besties
  9. Guys its so scary n overwhelming, we r gonna have 8 brand new songs at once, no snippets, no nothing we always had the previews n this time nothing. Im scared i wont handle this
  10. Desert rock screamy masterpiece by Zach that includes Dealer, Noir and Raise me up
  11. god this is so dry n boring, i feel like its october when we knew nothing, had nothing and lana was staying quiet it really doesnt feel like its coming in 2 weeks
  12. and her voice drives me crazy, she just screams all the time
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