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Everything posted by jaesana

  1. Candy Necklace is one of the best songs she's ever released
  2. That's the one thing I will say about this - an acapella version of video games will go down as one of her best career moments of all time
  3. Being unable to criticize your fave is unhealthy and we have to as fans call out bad behavior. Especially when it affects fans and festival workers. Nobody is perfect and we can acknowledge that.
  4. It’s completely unprofessional and disrespectful to a point where it makes me wonder if she even respects her fans’ time. Really upsetting because otherwise it would’ve been one of her best shows ever
  5. This is the only take I think I’ve agreed with you on
  6. Good performance but disappointed in how disrespectful she was coming on 30 min late. There’s really no excuse honestly.
  7. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0ft9ps8/glastonbury-other-stage-saturday?seriesId=b007r6vx-1-live-now Is this WRONG?
  8. Am I on the right link!? I see a list of performers on the left and a video player in the right.
  9. Y'all I got the VPN but I'm getting this error, help?? edit: I lied and clicked the TV license, which worked!!!
  10. Nothing but facts. I can't bring myself to feel any empathy for these people except the 19-year-old.
  11. Maybe other billionaires will look at this situation and decide to put their money into causes that actually benefit humanity rather than flexing their disgusting level of wealth for purposes that inevitably harm those around them. Wont happen tho. Society places too much trust into ppl like Musk and the idiot who founded this death machine.
  12. I think the instrumentals of Yayo would go great with this
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