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Everything posted by lanabanana11

  1. for sure, Billie has a long road ahead of her and if she can modify and evolve her sound (I think ditching her brother for an album would help) I think she can become something better. but as of rn idk id take Lorde/Lana/Clairo/Weyes/Phoebe over any of Billie's projects
  2. my first listen to the album will be at midnight, with my best friend, we got super drunk for norman and walked around a huge golf course dancing like fools to each song. However March might be a bit cold for that, so we will just be in her room getting drunk and hitting a bong while we take in COCC. Then the next day ill give it a proper more sober listen
  3. Billie is constantly compared to Eyelash, and saying she listens to The Beatles isnt really saying much. you have to be living under a rock to not know/like at least a handful of their songs. Being well versed in the classic artists Lana is shows so much more rich knowledge for her to bring to her craft, thats why Eyelash's music can't hold a candle to lanas, in 20 years from now Billie's abums will sound like experimental fad type music from the 2020's, and Lana's will continue aging like fine wine and can be placed next to the greats music and it will fit in just fine
  4. lanabanana11


    yes but i came on last night and people were talking about it!
  5. lanabanana11


    is clouds just like 3 seconds??? or did i get a bad version?
  6. lanabanana11


    when i say i JUST finished listening i literally mean like Ghosttt just finished playing! this is why im so shook about the album being leaked tonight of all nights! I literally left the chemtrails thread to see what other threads have been recently posted in and i saw "Slayyyter" and was like no fucking way....and here i am about to listen to her album! so excited!
  7. lanabanana11


    ok this is so weird....i saw the cover art for this album like a few weeks ago and id never heard of her before. so i was like "ooo ill tune into this!" then literally TONIGHT i was like "ill explore her music!" so i put on THROATZILLA (i listen to like lana, weyes, twigs, clairo, etc...) and i was SHOOK....i didnt know what to think of it at first, but then i heard the title track and i was like ah okay more normal, but i love both tracks! and now the whole album leaked????? shook. ill be listening! also when did the album leak???
  8. ok i know its a hot topic on here but im like so glad she has For Free on the tracklist. I feel like what really sets Lana apart from all the other popgirls and alt girls in the game rn is like they are all having their moments and stuff and some of the greats in the music industry might say something nice about them in an interview, but Lana actually knows the greats music (joni, bruce, bob etc) very well and takes direct inspiration from them fused with her own pure talent. Like i really don't think Billie Eyelash ever listens to Nina Simone, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan or anyone like that, but Lana does and it shows. And shes praised by those same greats like Springsteen. And she has an impressive collab list, Sean Ono Lenon(yuck but impressive name), Stevie Nicks, as well as a covers list, Nina, Joni, etc. Lana is just so far ahead of her peers
  9. ok so today my Urban Outfitters exclusive vinyl of Ava Max's Heaven & Hell (girl who sings sweet but psycho, for those of you who may not be familiar w the name/album....also for those of you who do know her DONT judge me that album has somg underrated BOPS!) came in the mail today, and if you look at the mockup on their website it looks like a solid dull orange color, but when i got it today i took it out and its literally NEON highlighter orange and translucent....so perhaps the UO Chemtrails one won't be as ugly as the mock-up is making it look. I know NFR's mockup looked translucent and it turned out to be solid bright pink!
  10. this is so random but i always see you posting in the threads i follow on here and always at first when im reading your posts im like "ugh this bitch i can already tell im not going to be for whatever they wrote" then by the end of it im a full stan for whatever the message may be. i think it might be the avi that gives me my initial reaction, but your humor wit and bluntness always wins over! 10/10 poster!
  11. i mean i can totally see the difference, but lanas face changes every year! its not like i would mistake her for someone else. look at selena and ariana, they looked way different at the start of 2020 compared to the end, but they're still recognizable and such
  12. ok obviously lana does not look her best in THOSE particular photos (like wtf was the concept for this shoot? drunk woman literally crawls home from the bar????) but do yall really think Lana fucked her face that bad?? I mean anyone who gets fillers in their 20's literally HAS to keep up with them or theyll look so bad and have saggy skin (fillers are like once you get them you cant go back to how you looked before) but i dont think she looks botched or anything...like she looked STUNNING in the chemtrails video, and i think she still has the same structure in her face. i mean obviously she gained a ton of weight and therefor her face looks more filled in than it did in 2017 when she was super skinny, but i genuinely am shocked that yall think her face has gone to hell!!!
  13. okay come on you should at least let us know who got it right! whats the point of posting them if you won't let us know when we've got it hahaha
  14. NOT zip related but a fun tid-bit! In october I ordered the Lana mesh mask, however it was a tad too small for my face so it would fall below my nose whhenever I would speak, which is super dangerous bc covid, and I also had to position it carefully before every picture, which is annoying to say the least. However yesterday my new one arrived and it fits like a GLOVE! I can speak with it on and it stays on my face, I can now hold my very own book signing at my local mall's barns & noble
  15. question, is the target exclusive and the indie store exclusive gatefold?
  16. also couuld someone do an inventory update on the US store? contemplating getting the grey vinyl too
  17. i think the yellow will be more desired than that one, therefore making yellow more rare
  18. is that yellow actually a new variant or is it just a misleading mockup
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