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Everything posted by lanabanana11

  1. ok this might sound like a stupid ass question for the sky fandom, but is masochism scrapped or just like putting rihanna to shame in the delayed album department
  2. is there a list of songs that have leaked from masochism?
  3. SWV and White Tee were the hoe bops i NEEDED this summer
  4. Lana and Summer are my top 2 artists!
  5. lanabanana11

    Taylor Swift

    does anyone have a HQ link to The Lakes? Dying to hear that one! Need it on my phone! mod note: user was warned for this post
  6. i am the EXACT same way! Have you had any luck finding the files individually in mp3 format?
  7. is it actually violets? because i was searching around google and BTD is clearly roses, UV is clearly hydrangeas, and LFL is clearly daisies, but Paradise and Honeymoon varied in each picture i saw. Some had honeymoon as lilacs(odd?), some had these big blue flowers, violets makes sense because "there are violets in your eyes, guns that blaze around you" it was all just very confusing!
  8. BIG BOOBS???? What?.....UM chile anyways SO!
  9. very unpopular opinion on here im sure, but im not the biggest fan of like pre-born to die lana songs, a few are cute but i love her most UV and onward sounding songs much more. Kill Kill is cute tho i just never catch myself putting it on!
  10. hmm looking at those instagram posts, i have a theory on the album, i think its aesthetic will be like classic 50s/60s romance glamorous cinema vibes, representing like the rich and wealthy country club going people, but that being a bubble with impending doom headed for it, aka the chemtrails. chemtrails symbolizing reality, the changes in modern society making it impossible for the classic 50s/60s romance glamorous life style to be obtainable in todays world
  11. didnt expect any COCC info today honestly. it would be too distracting announcing two things at once, the poetry book is for a good cause also so im sure she wanted it to get its spotlight attention and such. Anyways for COCC I hope its a 14 track album, I personally am not one of those people who are super against having anything on the album that we have heard in some form or another or heard about, like I would adore it if we got Yosemite(fitting for this albums theme, it also fit in with the White Hot Forever title too honestly), and Roses Bloom for You, I feel like roses are a rich country club type of thing, so that wouldn't feel out of place on the record. This would be my ideal tracklist 1. White Hot Forever 2. Chemtrails Over The Country Club 3. Grenadine Quarantine 4. Hey Blue Baby 5. Roses Bloom For You 6. Yosemite 7. Stupid For Feeling So Happy 8. If This Is The End - I Want A Boyfriend 9. TBD 10. TBD 11. TBD 12. TBD 13. TBD 14 TBD
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