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Posts posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. I’m really glad everyone mentioned this, and  extending off of what @lanadelrey said, it specifically reminds me of the clip where a guy at one of her concerts yelled out, “Lana, sit on my face!”


    Unfortunately, many fans treated it as if it were some “iconic” moment, and it’s disappointing, really. She—and of course others in her position—are rarely treated as humans, and I just hope there’s eventually a larger shift where people are able to consume her art without treating her as a product to mindlessly critique. 

  2. From a lyrical perspective, I’m still stunned at how much growth Lana’s had as an artist in the past few years. 

    I mean, Lana has always peppered in pop culture references in her work, but I find TUOB’s (such as with Hotel California and Nilsson’s Don’t Forget Me) to be almost necessary additions to the song. They aren’t just nods to similar themes or musical interests of hers: they’re irreplaceable elements of the track. 

    Similarly, while Lana’s certainly no stranger to immersing her listeners in sensory details, her describing of, “Mosaic ceilings, painted tiles on the wall,” not only provides the visual landscape of the track, but it also serves as an intentional device to compare the tunnel’s rich inner existence to her own. 

    Even in a broader sense, the lyricism is incredibly original and largely strays from cliches while still managing to be relatable in a work full of hyper-specificities.

    She is seriously in a league of her own!

  3. 1 minute ago, honeymoonwhore said:


    The photos definitely give me stargirl vibes :fabcat: but I don't think that's how the album's going to sound like, personally, but I also don't think it's going to sound like the title track too. I think it's going to have a lot of strings, like violins. That's what I get from the pics




    4 minutes ago, the ocean said:

    i'm getting bombastic but less BTD & LFL and more venice bitch... long spacious vibey tracks that are very melancholic

    I’d actually really love either of these! 

  4. I feel like Lana’s album art often reflects the tone of the record super well, so I’m curious what impression everyone else had!


    For me, the photos give me a sense of restlessness: almost like she woke in the middle of the night and is pacing between her bed and the mirror, contemplating her life and feeling full of confessions. 

    Personally, Neil’s flower and ocean visuals supplement the photoshoot’s dark, almost dreamlike quality. There seems to be a sensual aspect as well, and I’m so interested to see how it all ties together!

    Music has a strong internally visual component for me, and the aesthetic reminds me of how I perceive tracks like Stargirl Interlude, WFWF, Heroin, Summer Bummer, and hope!

    (This probably seems like a weird combo of tracks, but it makes sense in my head.)

  5. Maybe it’s just me, but the blowing sound at the beginning of TUOB reminds me of someone trying to calm themselves down with breathing:bebe:

    It almost makes me wonder what the mood of The Grants will be since it precedes TUOB: something more more troubled that would require a moment to exhale? Or are the two tracks mostly unrelated sonically? We’ll see!


    Personally, I’d love for the songs to flow into one another in a sonically and thematically adherent way (like in Honeymoon), but I have a feeling The Grants will be great regardless!

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