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Posts posted by PatentLeatherDoOver

  1. 1 minute ago, honeybadger said:

    plus lyrics are printed on the cotcc physicals and it says "i thought", her printed lyrics have been wrong before i think, but i think they're correct in this case.. hopefully ...

    Omg I hope so too! Maybe I’ve just been told wrong about “I’d fly”? 

    I really hope it’s “I thought” because I’ve been singing that for so long:um2:

  2. Just now, honeybadger said:


    wait ... is it not this?safetyncts-tulla.gif

    Apparently the “I thought” is “I’d fly”:bebe:


    apparently I listened to that song over 1,000 times in 2021 and never caught it somehow..I still hear “thought” sometimes:prettyhurts:

  3. In White Dress, I thought she sang…


    “‘I would still go back if I could do it all again,’ I thought.


    I always thought it was funny since WD follows up NFR’s closer hope annd its, “I got to thinking that I thought.”


    I really was like..damn, she’s still thinking about thinking huh:true: (all love though: they’re my favs on their respective records)

  4. 2 minutes ago, lanasbottom said:

    since we’re on the sample/copy topic (and the thread’s dead anyway) is the WTWWAWWKD intro an officially credited sample or another "mistake" cause it’s basically this :smokes:


    The intro to WTWWAWWKD just alternates between two chords, but Horizon moves between 5 different ones, so it’s likely just a coincidence that gets emphasized from the strumming. The first two chords are the same though! 


  5. I’ve gotten even more excited for the teased “variety” of this record, even if the songs end up being in the same sonic landscape. 


    In my opinion, some of Lana’s best records require a really specific headspace, but I look forward to having a record I can revisit regardless of what I’m currently drawn to musically or mood-wise. 

    Honestly, I don’t think I’ve been this excited for a Lana record since NFR, particularly given that all of TUOB will be fresh material. Preparing for A&W to leave us speechless:true:

  6. 5 minutes ago, evalionisameme said:

    Chord progressions are always reused-there’s clear similarities between blue jeans and wicked game but it’s clearly not a rip off-it’s about melody and the style of the song more than anything but yes-let’s see what ocean brings 🙏





    since we’re on the subject of what the ocean brings..:brows:

    how does everyone feel about Lana sampling this in some unknown TUOB track? 

    Personally, I’m intrigued to see how it gets used and what vocal melody she’s assigned to it! I’ve never really listened to SYML, but it’s an interesting choice for sampling!

  7. Unrelated to MAC, but a huge amount of Lana’s work used some variation of a progression like Am-F-C-G, so recycling one of the most common progressions isn’t anything new or specific to Jack:bebe:


    I’m not a huge Jack fan, but personally, there seems to be just as much work if not more from before Jack that bears melodic similarities to other artists’ work (Old Money, Video Games, Get Free, etc.). 

    I think that this will be less common as Lana’s artistry progresses as she seems to delve more into less conventional melodic structures, and BoZ seems to indicate this about TUOB as well!

    Comparisons will always be drawn, but I do think Lana’s headed toward a more distinct melodic sound with her next record:brows:

  8. 15 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    I feel like the next single will sample an older song… And unless it’s been explained before, Eclipse was referencing, prior to the title track being released, that one of his first posts here was the lyrics to HBTB… and it’s the last post on her official account : a reference to HBTB.  
    edit: the long-ass acronym song has a Maritime reference and hints at some things she wants to say to critics. And HBTB is well very much maritime (duh) and is, in parts, about paparazzi…

    your mind….I hope you’re right!!

  9. 13 minutes ago, salvatorelovesyou said:

    I have always seen WAH as a continuation of HTD, so a third part would not be strange. :true:

    Same here! The seem to reference the same name/person & I’ve always thought it was a cool continuation of the narrative. 

    Personally, I hope she samples a different song this time, but I’m intrigued either way:true:

  10. I don’t listen to much of Lana’s unreleased music..


    I adore a handful of them (I Talk To Jesus, Tired Of Singing The Blues, the demos for LFL and BP, etc.), but past that, I don’t listen to many others. 

    I don’t find the others bad, really—just not my preference musically, I guess.


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