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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. the 2012 tumblr girlies knows what's up
  2. the possibility of her performing a lot of songs from ocean blvd is there... fingers crossed
  3. over 420k people for a 2k venue... literally hunger games omg sick & twisted
  4. I guess we'll never find out what bittersweet anthem is kinda camp tho
  5. or remember the lyrics it's fine tho she hates his ass she doesn't want to remember his ass I get it
  6. she will never care enough to do a proper performance of salvatore lmfao
  7. lol this crowd is so quiet it's funny to see the difference
  8. I don't wanna get my hopes up because she sang honeymoon during the soundcheck here and she didn't perform it manifesting tho
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