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Everything posted by annedelrey

  1. Omg now im so excited to listen to the album reading to all of you
  2. I think that too! COCC is a great song after NFR! But doesn't fit the album at all. Also Yosemite its originally from LFL album... That is super different to this new folky mood and im not sure if the song has being reworked! Anyways im super excited
  3. Also Justin fans are completly different than Lana. Just listen (if u can) his last album! Remember Changes nominated for grammy So manifesting 5 march for release date
  4. Lana promoting Zella on her insta today wearing a white dress... I'm just feeling it
  5. Not more team delulu today! Wait till march for it... maybe 5 or 19 who knows, but nothing is coming today imo
  6. Dont think its real! Chuck didnt directed that MV. Cause its going to be a budget one as COCC
  7. Just woke up and I mean i really wasnt sure that WD was going to be release cause Lana didnt say anything so... Imo the song is going to be release with the complete album 19 march!
  8. So nothing today... Hopping for the 3rd PD next week
  9. In this era i just recieved one and it was the spotify email for the exclusive PD... All i know about the new merch in because of this thread really
  10. Think so... Are you going to cancell US store order then?
  11. Im not from UK and i could buy the PD from the web, also i bought it from US store just in case. Im in the same situation as you. I wrote some emails to the CS and as i said couple days ago this was the most coherent answer i recieved to my question: Now i have two orders waiting to be shipped, so i really think we will recieve the UK one. Also i want to cancell one of them but i dont know what to do... The other answers i recieved from the CS didnt make sense at all.
  12. Hope there are not... I dont wanna listen the whole album sound like she did with NFR snippets
  13. annedelrey

    Melanie Martinez

    May anyone do a recap with al the links of the leaked songs? Thanks a lot!
  14. I like the windbreaker buuut dont really like cropped stuff sooo ill pass for now
  15. I think is same yellow as in the indie record store vinyl despite of the images!
  16. Yeah me too. I think the only new thing coming its PD 3
  17. Def Rosalia will be there with BL!
  18. Ok! Let us know your answer! After your reply i will decide if cancell my US or not... I think the product was only to UK, but there was a problem and everyone in Europe could buy it. When they realised that, they changed only for the UK, but the people who bought it, will recieve her order.
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