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Venice Peach

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Everything posted by Venice Peach

  1. She literally looks like 2010 Lana wtf she's too pretty
  2. HER HAIR OMG She looks so pretty with that hair (it's the superior blonde)
  3. Charlie thanked the other "director" on his insta "for making this happen" so I guess that's it
  4. We've only had content from one source (this magazine) but if the general aesthetic is similar to this we are going to have the best visuals since HM (and she's working with Neil)
  5. Am I the only one that got creepy vibes from the video? It almost looks like a horror movie intro or something (I think it's they way it's filmed) and I love it
  6. Ok I didn't see it until now, I thought it was going to be just a boring bts but WOW I really like this. She's stunning (as always) and she is so funny. I don't know if she's being ironic or not in some parts but I love her either way This feels like a really good mix between old and glamorous Lana and casual Lana (when she is writing) I hope the album has this feel to it too
  7. The tweets fighting with azealia lol
  8. This is a joke thread right?
  9. Baddie Lana is back and she's cooler than ever
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