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Venice Peach

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Everything posted by Venice Peach

  1. I love Lana's vocal production lately cause even without much in the background it sounds good and full but I miss when her instrumentals were like musical pieces on their own. Without awkward pauses and all that you know
  2. This has the same energy as when we used to say "she is going to release Chemtrails when she stops promoting Violet"
  3. I can see her revealing cover + tracklist today with the preorder coming this Monday
  4. I've found the way to make it play everytime. If you open the private mode and enter https://ldrvillage.com/#/ it plays.
  5. I have to close all tabs to make it play again cause if the web is loaded it takes you directly to the streets. Here's the lady at the start of the video https://imgur.com/a/TTI9Zd7 At the end it says Chemtrails so... it has to be old
  6. Enter https://ldrvillage.com/ and you can see it. It's like an intro video but it's probably been there since Chemtrails release
  7. https://imgur.com/a/st2zL2x so I guess it's not new then
  8. WTF. If you enter ldr village you get to see a video where there is a lady with a hat and the trees of the photo . Sorry if it's not new cause I never entered ldr village Edit: nvm it says Chemtrails right after it
  9. A lot of things happened recently: - New insider info - Chemtrails stuff 50% off on the store - Website changed - Lana's active again on IG - We are getting close to July It has to be coming
  10. https://visualping.io/ but I don't know how it works
  11. I'm searching on the website code (or whatever) where I found the whole B&W selfie but I can't see anything new . Also I still don't know what I'm doing so that was probably luck
  12. I swear to GOd if you are trolling us @Rorman Nockwell I'm reverse searching the photos and nothing comes out
  13. Didn't we find some random pictures on her web before NFR preorder too? It's coming
  14. I know but for him to know the title, tracklist and possibly the release date I thought it's because he knows about the preorder or at least the album release details. I was just guessing sorry
  15. I thought that too but don't usually webs and newspapers put the same date Lana says? Like I remember a lot of sites saying that Chemtrails was out on September 5th for example . And every publication used June 1st and July 4th as dates for RCS/BB. So it's either true or that web knew the July 4th date was bullshit so they guessed the nearest Friday.
  16. I thought boz saw the preorder details ready to release so that's why he knew all that but doesn't he usually spill all the info when the release is close? I find it weird that he didn't tell us the album title or number or tracks...
  17. It makes sense really... it's the closest friday from the July 4th date so... Do we know when was it updated tho? Cause if it was there the whole time I don't think it means anything
  18. I can see her not saying the album title until the preorder so we won't be able to find the lana.lnks this time
  19. Nikki Lane also follows Nadia Lee right? Imagine if we get a casual pic for LDR8 but a full on glam photoshoot for the Lana x Nikki album (unmanifesting right away) It's so weird calling Lana albums with codes like LDR8 cause we're used to always having the album title way before the release (- but we had it)
  20. What?????? It's probably that cause I've seen other artists (maybe Lana too) do that before announcing new stuff. It's really coming
  21. I don't think the managers would be happy with that tho and Ben said it like it was something exciting so...
  22. Miss Lana knows her angles (and has an angel face) so I don't think she had anything done recently (other than the usual botox and fillers). She definetly didn't get a facelift cause she didn't need one. Also a facelift wouldn't change her face that way. She was just a little puffy (maybe filler or maybe weight related) and she isn't anymore.
  23. I mean even if vinyls are not shipped on release, the total sales would be the same in the end (just not on the first week). But if they want a high debut, they need the physicals cause Lana does great in streaming but in the long run, not on debut.
  24. Her birthday wishes spree has officially started
  25. It could be but I don't think they'll let her release a full album without even acknowledging it. If it wasn't for the insiders and this forum I wouldn't have listened to the 3 singles on the release day cause I don't usually look at Lana's new releases on Spotify (and the songs were even "hard" to find in her page lol). And also Youtube notifications are always late for me so the casual listener wouldn't even notice. I think they'll make her release at least a MV before the album so people know she's coming again. I don't think she will surprise release it but maybe we'll have a 1 week only preorder or something.
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