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Venice Peach

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Everything posted by Venice Peach

  1. Am I the only one that got creepy vibes from the video? It almost looks like a horror movie intro or something (I think it's they way it's filmed) and I love it
  2. Ok I didn't see it until now, I thought it was going to be just a boring bts but WOW I really like this. She's stunning (as always) and she is so funny. I don't know if she's being ironic or not in some parts but I love her either way This feels like a really good mix between old and glamorous Lana and casual Lana (when she is writing) I hope the album has this feel to it too
  3. The tweets fighting with azealia lol
  4. This is a joke thread right?
  5. Baddie Lana is back and she's cooler than ever
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