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past the bushes

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Everything posted by past the bushes

  1. the service is clearly unavailable because lana's using all of internet for a surprise release
  2. the album coming to surprise us us running to stream it (while dodging warning points)
  3. Chemtrails! but i'll always have a soft spot for the Video Games MV, nostalgia
  4. i got back from brazil a week ago guess who's crossing that border again
  5. they'll post this and some shit like "elvis is my daddy"
  6. can we bring some of those redditors here? need more reputation they seem to vote anything they'll vote my shitty posts
  7. that was her introduction post when she bought the site queen behavior
  8. just found out Taco Truck x VB is an actual title and not @Taco Truck x VB being funny also...it's Margaret gonna be about the famous and missed LB user @MargaretThatcher?
  9. breaking news: @Elle was seen leaving the venue with all her awards yelling
  10. what a night, I really missed LB! congrats to all winners and runner-ups! I'll be going
  11. @Elle @Surf Noir congrats to both of you! Iconic Lanaboards denizens
  12. I forgot what fishgate was so many gates i've been part of
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