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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. i mean making the same song, basically same chorus and production is kinda the definition of ripping someone off but even besides that Taylor is just peak fake, all around nasty on top of generic music wise, qualities Lana really doesn’t need, she has her LA friends for that
  2. Don’t see what’s stupid about not wanting your fav to work with a fake and generic money machine who spent a big chunk of her career ripping off said fav but sure
  3. wondering if i can lose more respect for lana due to this possible collab than i did after qftc/the rest of 2020 I’m perched.
  4. the era hasn’t even started Try stanning someone who just released her best album 2 months ago without mentioning it once, no posts, no singles, no music videos, no performances and not even a single public appearance now THAT’s boring
  5. the passive aggressiveness he said it in an insta story then idk but he most definitely called it fire Sure girl
  6. all of us talking about bombastic synths and drums and electric guitars and catholic rave infused orchestra and…: the 13 new acoustic piano ballads sitting on lana’s 5$ hard drive she bought at an airport:
  7. I’d rather not. Enough with the joni flopchell, folk grandma cosplay
  8. too lazy to come up with 20 movies but my top 5 are Black Swan, Jurassic Park, Spirted Away, The Dark Knight and 101 Dalmatians (Glenn Close the woman that you are )
  9. Three album project + it being a surprise truly the Beyoncé print Some of y’all aren’t nearly manifesting heavy production enough cmon electric guitars, lush strings, bass, synths, foggy horns, utter and total exclusion of piano and acoustic guitars let’s gooo
  10. Those 2 snoozefest BB outtakes that leaked better not make an appearance on Ldr9 Especially since she mentions fingertips in one of them
  11. Did anything other than the newbies being weird happen ?
  12. Nfr an autumn album? Lana baby come up with something quick the girls are just saying anything
  13. no it’s right AND correct Burn the piano, burn Jack and burn minimalism we want heavy atmosphere, hard beats, sweeping orchestras and she will deal with it
  14. all those wannabe twitter insiders are just random twinks regurgitating the same bullshit someone came up with over and over again, none of them have any credible sources (or sources at all)
  15. not the interviewer girlie mentioning Lana having upcoming music on the vma red carpet Lana Del Rey you will always be famous
  16. lord help us if this is yet another era where the fake insider tea is miles better than the actual result like this is so obviously wishful fan fantasy but it would be so good
  17. oh pls what does she know i’m not listening to somebody who can’t even remember her own song’s lyrics it’s ldr9 in this house and she WILL deal with it
  18. lanasbottom

    Taylor Swift

    because it’s Lanaboards not taylorboards
  19. lanasbottom

    Taylor Swift

    Same and i’m fine with it if it’s not finished, she can take her time. I hope she doesn’t release anything until next summer. Outside of LB there’s not much demand for a Lana album rn when she recently gave us 2. And the end of 2022 is too stacked anyway to give her some shine, everyone will be seated for Taylor, Blackpink’s and Beyoncé’s rumored Act II/visual album until christmas. Lana will be at her most powerful when it’s getting warmer again and then we’ll eat
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