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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. PLS the lack of realism… as if lana would go as far as to change her whole sound just because some pasty bitch from new zealand criticized one of her songs back then
  2. so you’d prefer the homeless to stay homeless? not very kindness punk of you
  3. they made a lucky guess and at best got a real insider to tell them a crumb or two ONCE and everything else they ever said (cocc included) has been lies and bullshit like i BEG y’all we all have a brain let’s use it
  4. yoohoo where’s the insult-call-out team y’all haven’t said anything yet
  5. and miss lustforlies is trash too so there we have it everyone can y’all stop pretending they have reliable info when they can’t even manage to run a twitter info account without messing everything up
  6. irdc what you accept or not, i’m just proving how you and many others are exceptionally selective and biased when it comes to who you call out on here and who you don’t, also thank you for proving my point
  7. girl idgaf i do what i want, go be a nuisance somewhere else if you’re not happy about people calling your constant bullshit out (or at least learn to come up with non-corny "drags")
  8. where’s the ethics police don’t y’all have to say something about the blatant homophobia or are your call outs only reserved for certain people?
  9. @Future Jazz so… are you writing him a think piece about insulting people too or is that only reserved for me?
  10. be careful dear the girls are writing think pieces for you as we speak
  11. ? INSIDER INFO: the album will feature american singer lana del rey ?
  12. when it had absolutely nothing to do with you in the first place and you try to be shady to me yes, it most definitely is (and making a joke about french people and their english isn’t “criticizing someone’s way of speaking a language" it’s just a well known joke here, you should know that since you’re french stop being whiny ?)
  13. all the songs we have except the interlude are around 5 minutes so most songs will probably be around that length. cherry blossom will most likely be the shortest one
  14. if someone insults me i insult them back yeah seems logical to me
  15. “maybe calm down a bit” she says while inserting herself in something that had nothing to do with her in the first place and i’ll do it again
  16. maybe if you didn’t attack me first i wouldn’t insult you think about that instead of playing the victim and the user in question literally is a pain in the ass and most of the girls on here (who own a brain) all agree and said so themselves but sure i’m the only one saying they are annoying lmaoo your hypocrisy is showing boo
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