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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. your profile pic is your furry porn you jerk off to you shouldn’t talk
  2. but i’m the mean one when i say some of y’all have very questionable taste
  3. who’s mad lmao they are just not good and quite frankly annoying
  4. it’s not disrespect they are just plain bad sorry and there’s a new one literally every day when there shouldn’t be, just being honest
  5. excuse me but do you make those tracklists absolutely awful on purpose or ?
  6. god even the "fights" are boring af now can this era just begin/end already
  7. tbh she’s had it coming and she’s largely at fault too, not everything ofc but most of the shit she got was her own fault. some people just go way too far and are unnecessarily mean, stans and locals alike but yeah she can’t be that surprised about the backlash she got last year…
  8. holy fuck these violins are faker than me
  9. they’ve been getting taken down for a year already well obviously (normally) but we knew that for over a month now according to boz (if she didn’t changed everything again )
  10. i hope so this cover is just too good (the only thing i’d except is a name change with the same cover) and i can’t wait for neil’s album shoot and the exclusive cover version, i’m 99% sure there’ll be one like the last few times. we’ll may also get an album trailer this time since she seems to have filmed multiple things already
  11. she didn’t post the back cover nor the track list of the album…maybe this really isn’t the album cover
  12. my bad! but it’s still not necessarily piano only otherwise i don’t see why he’d say she’s trolling when she cut off the hook of the song
  13. he didn’t say it’s a piano ballad just a ballad so there could be different instruments coming in. he also said there’s something in the hook so maybe it’ll be a softer/dreamier video games type of song as the song progresses
  14. i don’t even believe in that anymore tbh i’ll be surprised if we get as little as a "happy 4th of july guys love ya xx”
  15. yall say this but she took way too much time with lfl and completely botched it. idc i take it as a bad sign she has 0 clear vision for this album and it’s very apparent
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