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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. i’d pay good money to know what exactly he meant by this project isn’t what y’all expect….and we’ll probably never know now that she scrapped most of it like in hindsight the 3 songs we have were exactly what people were expecting: either piano ballads or "boring" (for some people). none of them were something new or "omg i can’t believe she’s doing that" so…what the fuck was he talking about ? was the orignal tracklist more different and experimental, or a genre we’re not used to from her? and now that it’s scrapped wtf is it? if it’s not music related was he shocked by the album not having a release date and being a surprise album? having a real tour that won’t be cancelled after 15 dates? THAT would be something none of us expect….idk so many questions with this damn album I JUST WANT IT HOOKED TO MY VEINS AND I WANT IT NOW TF
  2. also blue banisters as an opening would just suck ass tbh like all her albums have always some kind of intro, sometimes longer ones sometimes shorter ones but none of her albums start with something abrupt like THERES A PICTURE ON THE WALL…. the bare minimum for a lana album is a simple short melodic intro à la white dress or love and ideally something grand and mood setting like honeymoon or cruel world. it won’t be the case anyway since it’s not the title track anymore (thank fucking god) but i’d be so pissed if that was the introduction to the new album. we need something that screams OPENING…and we’ll be getting it soon mark my words
  3. it’s important because a messy tracklist can make a great album less great. the first time you listen to it it’s supposed to tell it’s story the best possible way. which means opening and closing must be well chosen otherwise it’ll be messy. plus, especially lana albums, most people usually listen to them in full or at least from start to finish if they skip certain songs, it’s just something that adds to its cohesion. it’d be weird if honeymoon started with swan song and ended with freak for exemple.
  4. none of her title tracks were ever 3rd, they are always either first or second
  5. it won’t open with blue banisters tho (thank god tbh) cause it’s not the title track anymore so it’ll probably be somewhere in the middle of the album i guess
  6. damn this thread fell off faster than katy perry where y’all at ??
  7. why do all of you think something’s coming tonight? setting yourselves up for disappointment…again? i’m IN
  8. y’all have been manifesting the worst imaginable things for the past 10 hours and if any of it turns out to be true y’all hear from my lawyer
  10. some of y’all truly need more than professional help
  11. possibly avoid a delay means possibly avoid a delay so july 4th
  12. i hope they just don’t give a fuck about the chart position this time. charts are totally worthless nowadays and with all the mass buying and payola they’ve gotten just as useless as the grammies. like it’s totally and utterly useless (except for her #1 U.K. strike) but other than that i don’t see the point ? they delayed cocc for 8 months only for it to not even get a #1 and free fall the week after they can delay it all they want the week it’ll drop either beyoncé, taylor, adele, lorde, billie, lorde, rihanna, drake etc will drop and block a #1 either way (again ). and they’ll get the same sales either way, she already had great physical sales this year and got a #2 which is really good too. i hope that’ll make them accept a digital release, maybe she’d get a #3 or #2 debut even without vinyls cause there’s not that many people (?) releasing the week of the 4th so yeah….. a fucking mess
  13. but wasn’t there the whole "she can’t release cocc digitally because of the new billboard rule otherwise it’ll flop" thing ?
  14. i think either the jack or zach songs (or both) are scrapped since they are the "oldest" out of the bunch and we know how she feels about songs she recorded longer ago. plus that pic from a few weeks mike posted of her in the studio probably wasn’t for ww as we thought but for the new songs she recently recorded. i just hope the scrapping makes the tracklist better and not worse
  15. the new pics…my heart….she looks so beautiful damnnn. the first pic and outfit is pure nfr vibes and the second one….white blouse, slightly auburn hair styled back….she gave a glimpse of honeymoon…the vibes…the beauty….NIKKI’S INFLUENCE IS OVER SHE’S BACK GIRLS SHE’S REALLY BACK
  16. nikogo dear since you always know EVERY info (i love that about you you’re a walking lanapedia) how soon before the release date did she finish lfl? didn’t she finish change at the last minute before handing the album in? maybe she’ll do the same this time and have the vinyls come out later (my bf’s asking to see if the situation could be comparable to the one we have right now)
  17. truly but i think it’s doable for her. if she could make ultraviolence in 2 weeks and have 170 songs for lfl in under 2 years + considering she’s been working since november on the album so about 6-7 months at least….yeah i think she’d have easily around 40-50 songs by now so even if she took out let’s say 10 songs from the orignal tracklist she’d easily have 20 others to replace them. wow just as many numbers as this era has album title changes maybe i’m lana
  18. you know damn well that’s what that bitch did she’s making the songs hOneSt with a country twang as we speak
  19. "my new record called ‘a nikki lane country fantasy’ is out july 4th xx" idk i feel some terrible bullshit like this coming our way
  20. well the award for most confusing era officially goes to this one like we’re 3 and half weeks away from the release and we don’t even know the fucking title of the album
  21. well since the title changed (again…and again) i can finally say i hated that title. it’s just so lame and grandma neither iconic nor really memorable. i didn’t want the song as opening nor title track either so that’s a clear win in my eyes. the rest could go both ways: either she scrapped the grandma songs and gives us something with fire. or she’s just about to unleash another non-cohesive “just reworked the demos and made them 10 times worse enjoy xx :)" because either the media, her team or the fans made her self conscious and anxious. well….as long as it’s not delayed (for now) yay…i guess
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