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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. there’s no planned album rollout. there now you know.
  2. well… let’s harass her, ben and nikki get the typewriters out ladies
  3. this looks more fun than this thread and era…very concerning
  4. she definitely sees honeymoon as the ugly aunt with the beard stubbles you absolutely wanna avoid at thanksgiving yes
  5. album out in less than 3 weeks and not a word, no preorder, no lead single, no mv, no interview? yeah this is gonna be another mac/vb/album out 10 months later situation won’t it?
  6. nah definitely not ldrvillage. my guess is something either performance wise (virtual concert, worldwide tour next year, bigger tour etc) video wise (visual album (lol as if), different type of music video, another tropico style film etc) or album/rollout wise. since Boz said the 3 singles are only the beginning i’m guessing we’ll know more in the coming….months…years…idk
  7. THIS ENERGY! album out tonight WHO’S READY ?
  8. on that topic we all complained about her posting too many snippets and ruining the surprise during nfr and look at her now….we’ve gotten a single snippet ever since lmao we can say whatever we want but she DOES listen to us
  9. yeah but it sucks because most twitter stans don’t really stan her, or at least do it in a very weird way. literally more than 50% of the time she gets dragged because of those idiotic twinks who set her up. and it just sucks because since she was always a big twitter user that’s the type of fans she sees the most. lanaboards stans, reddit stans, insta stans etc she doesn’t really see or hear much from us, but she sees the majority of the dumb twitter ones, which as we know are the worst. i feel like something shifted when she told that "fans" she was waiting for them to deactivate…
  10. tbh same…. one of my biggest fears surrounding lana was her quitting one day. yet she never did. but us being more and more fed up with her, her being more and more fed up with us and the media, locals literally hating her for breathing…. i think it’s clear she somewhat…lost something. idk if it’s still her writers block, lack of inspo, the pandemic or whatever but i think it’s time to admit it really hasn’t been the same since nfr/cocc. i mean just look at her behavior she literally hates us or at least it really seems like it. there was a time not long ago where she would do monthly live streams, add and talk to us on insta or twitter, sharing whatever funny or cute thing she had in mind with us, her fans who she loved. and now? when was the last time she talked to someone on twitter without telling them to go fuck themselves? now we don’t even get a “new songs out check them out". it just shows her behavior has been very different. i think it’s better for her to take a few years off to come back better than ever than just releasing random piano ballads until the last person on earth has bullied her off social media and leaves her with her whole legacy ruined (or stained). i feel like her last straw will soon been pulled and well… there’s not much we can do about that now can we?
  11. i feel like it feels forced cause it’s not a theme she ever spoke about in her music and after the whole ‘i’m not racist i dated rappers’ and qftc it just feels as i said forced. as in "look i mention blm see i’m not racist". i do agree with you that lana’s a very (sometimes TOO) honest person and we love that about her and ofc i know she has a good intention behind the lyric. the timing just seemed off. and i don’t mean white woman as in it’s bad to be a white woman (??) but in the sense that it does come across as very white savior-ish. i may ofc be a bit biased, lana’s music was always this otherworldly realm to escape to. it’s her art and she can and should sing about whatever she wants but i hate being reminded of real world problems in places i couldn’t care less to have them mentioned. i’ll watch a news channel if i want that same thing with covid (looking at you grenadine quarantine stans) i’d hate hate hate if she mentioned the pandemic in her music, same way i hate and don’t watch any series/film where people wear masks and talk about covid. just this one hour of escaping this cruel world please
  12. i tried some or ariana’s songs cause the song list is still pretty short for now and the effect literally cancelled out all of her high notes on dangerous woman or into you imagine recording all that to have it deleted 5 years later
  13. it’s a new feature on some apple music albums. it’s supposed to be a more immersive sound experience as if you were in a film theater. like the sound’s a bit "moving around you" and the different instruments/layers feel more separated so you can notice small elements you didn’t before. it does change the mixing of some songs so they have to perfect it. like the bad romance dolby version completely took out some of gaga’s backing vocals which defeats the whole purpose of the song. freak in dolby atmos would definitely cut out the "take it to the back if you wanna talk" and the high notes so i hope they’ll perfect the feature in the future. but i do think this feature will do amazing in the coming years cause now artists can mix the music with the feature in mind which will open a whole new world to how the musical elements are placed and mixed in a song.
  14. it just seems very forced and fake white woman woke, whether it really is or not it just seems forced which therefor makes it cringe even tho the message underneath is a good one.
  15. THIS! like if i didn’t know lana or only knew what her stans are saying about her and i listened to these songs i’d be like wtf she seems overrated… there’s nothing, as you say, new about it. sure the production’s cute and the lyrics are really good but nothing new… we already have deep piano ballads (A LOT of them), we already have something like text book and it’s get free, we already have something (10 times better) than ww and that’s heroin. lyrically well… except if you’re a real stan and know everything about her who tf else knows who nikki, chuck, jack etc are ? no local knows about her relationship with patty, no one, and i mean NO ONE wants to hear that cringe blm line… so there’s this big problem of connecting with the lyrics which can be off putting for some. except if you have a nikki or jen in your life you won’t really connect to the lyrics as much as you would with something more general like her old songs. so this really doesn’t help attract new fans. on that note i’m still really hopeful that the rest of the album will be pretty different i wasn’t really hyped about lfl because i found love to be cliché yet in the end it had some of her best songs. i wasn’t that excited about nfr at first yet it also has some of her best songs (which i wasn’t expecting based on the boring snippets she posted at first) so hopefully this will be the same situation…and if not i’m writing hate mail to ben, jack and nikki
  16. this will either be a "omg the new album is amazing we were so dumb to wish it away" or another "well..disappointing" moment…. but seeing as things are going since the end of nfr….WELL
  17. this but with lana’s head if we don’t get anything in july
  18. i fear nothing will ever top that album. and the fact people still pay it dust to this day when if she released it today everyone would be so happy. like it has EVERYTHING we’re currently asking for: bops, psychedelia, synths, bass, REAL (and perfectly mixed) non-crackling drums, a beautiful aesthetic, 2 mesmerizing high budget clips (her shooting down the paparazzi with a massive gun would just be SO iconic at this point in her career), a small intimate tour, the hot summer vibe we’ve all been manifesting…like everything would just fit perfectly i don’t see how anyone could complain about it nowadays
  19. only nfr tbh. lust for life looks so fake and the white border was a choice (a bad one, makes it look like an insta pic) and hm should’ve been the one with lana holding the los angeles while standing in front of a palm tree and not the over saturated one we got but yeah any of them still eat whatever cocc was supppsed to be UP…the bar can’t go any lower right?
  20. it was still less horrendous than anything else that era….you want another chuck/charlie ? cause it’s either neil or nikki who’s shooting the next shoot
  21. it’s a stupid ass decision (as always with apple) but at least it still works on the phone speakers (which kinda does make the whole lossless thing even more redundant as you say). we therefor come to the conclusion that dolby atmos is the only useful feature out of the 2 since it separates all the instruments and layers of a song. aka perfect for lanzi’s (used to be ) layer rich songs. so i’m asking again: WHO DO WE NEED TO HARASS TO HAVE LANA’S ALBUMS IN DOLBY??
  22. but dolby atmos WHEN??? who do we need to harass for us to finally be able to listen to uv and godlymoon in their immersive psychedelic 3D perfection ???? honeymoon always looses SOMETHING ITS JUST SICK
  23. and grace jones and whitney DRAGGED gaga as if she stole from them courtney used to hate lana too madge’s a lipster now which is…unexpected but a serve aretha hated taylor and i love her for that. idk what my point is but it’s amusing so there’s that
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