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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. i still don’t get why tho? like girl you literally had all the critical acclaim you’ve ever wanted during nfr? the sheer number of people who criticized her, locals and the media who finally started loving her… SHE destroyed all of that with her delusional feeling of persecution. she got the media to hate on her with that embarrassing letter. she put on that dumb mask to get a reaction out of people. she made those racially insensitive comments about the cover and black rapper bf’s. she said the embarrassing things during the annie interview. none of this would’ve ever happened if she didn’t speak about it in the first place. she wasn’t the underdog anymore she was the critically acclaimed grammy nominated songwriter everyone suddenly respected… she herself made people see her as the underdog again when they weren’t even doing it at that time… i get she’s probably traumatized from a decade of undeserved hate but why blow all of this the second you finally get the positive acclaim you always wanted ? god she’s so confusing
  2. there’s no big deal? you’re just delusional and popularity/streams/sales aren’t a "well in my opinion" thing. they are facts and the fact is beyoncé has more of any of those than lana ever did. and none of this was even remotely my point we’re not here to compare those two artists (who don’t have anything to do with each other) and was just an exemple so i don’t even know why we’re having this conversation in the first place point is either lana changes her bratty childish antics and becomes the mature professional artist she once was or she’ll be OUT of the music industry in about a year
  3. tell me your meds aren’t working without telling me your meds aren’t working
  4. i just want that back…her being happy and cute and talking to us… i have this feeling she hates us and sees us exactly the same nowadays than she sees the media and it’s…kinda heartbreaking
  5. girl PLS don’t embarrass yourself one is borderline worshipped by half the planet the other one has 99% of her own stans who are embarrassed to even admit they still like her nowadays. put some respect on beyoncé’s name.
  6. in that case she can prepare herself to say goodbye to her career and so can we she’s not beyoncé, the "lemme me stay silent" treatment won’t work for her, it barely works for beyoncé anymore and she’s 20 levels above lana popularity wise. if she seriously thinks barely cracking a million streams after weeks or having the atrocious numbers cocc did will let her keep her contract or be profitable for her label for another 10 years she’ll unfortunately soon have a very rude awakening. that combined with the fact most of the gp hate her and interscope having more and more new artists to focus on thus needing her less and less….i’ll give her another era before they’ll either drop her completely or cut her funds…. we’re threatened with even more homemade videos with nikki GOD TAKE ME OUT
  7. LORD the way some of y’all seriously lack comprehension issues literally WHERE did i ask her to do 2010-2014 btd stuff again??? all we’re asking for is for an artist to at least make a post to say “hi i dropped some music check it out" or do a performance, give a correct date without lying 6 times? giving concrete info and not some vague "idk when it’s coming hihi" every 3 months? how is that "toxic" to expect an artist to at least do the bare minimum lmao? like how do you wanna be excited for a release when the artist herself doesn’t even pretend to give a shit? some of y’all actually need to get out of this woman’s ass and stop excusing anything she says and does. and if you’re fine with it cool but stop preaching the same thing to anyone who isn’t. yes she has obligations towards everyone around her, wether you or her want it or not. the music industry is a business and this is her job, any job has obligations. if she doesn’t wanna do it she can become a baker or go live in the woods. again it’s not toxic to discuss such things (and it’d be cool to be finally able to do so without a bunch of cupcakes going "oMg sO tOxIC itS nOt 2012 aNyMoRE"). thank you.
  8. i think the label/artist have to do the procedure to get it so we can dream lmao born to die dolby atmos version coming to an iphone near you in 2025
  9. no. she’s still a global superstar with certain obligations. towards her label, her fans and herself. she’s not the little unknown soundcloud indie artist you so desperately want her to be. if you’re fine with the bare minimum good for u ??. a lot of us aren’t. go breath the air you speak of.
  10. i know this isn’t 2010-2014 ldr anymore and that’s the whole problem. honeymoon was a very lowkey era yet it was 10 times more thought out and professional than anything we’ve gotten since. even lfl as and era was nearly perfect, especially compared to anything since nfr. she can do whatever she wants sure but one more era like this and she’s out. the "her fans will buy anything and support anything" only goes so far. it already shows on here, the sheer number of people who are either unstanning or seriously getting tired of her unprofessionalism, none of us will put up with her carelessness forever and it just starts to get annoying that she seems to be the only person who doesn’t give a fuck about her art when she should. none of us want to see her fade away or lose her contract or give up and let the media and haters win but that’s kinda what she’s been doing for a while now and it’s just… very irritating.
  11. exactly the joni mitchell wannabe “i occasionally sleep in the woods" canyon girl cosplay has been going on for long enough. what’s even wrong with wanting a well thought out, eventful era with concerts, live performances, clear info, great photoshoots and most importantly someone who at least PRETENDS to somewhat care about her art. and i agree the fact random people with a smartphone, an online thread and stalker tendencies like us come up with better ideas, concepts, covers and designs than a whole modern "pop star" with a huge record label on her side is just beyond me. like at this point just hire someone from here and we’ll do half your work for you…for free ().
  12. that man can suck my dick he’s getting nothing from us anymore
  13. this “the lyrics are good therefor everything else can suck" mindset is just so so tired. i wanna stan a musician not a poet
  14. what a lot of people here still don’t get is yeah sure the lyrics are great, they always have been. but after all the poetry, nfr, the "deep lyrics" a lot of us just want PRODUCTION again. no matter what kind but something with OOMPH and BASS. especially when the lyrics discussion is a bit…eh. does she write better today than ten years ago? absolutely. would i take another video games (lyrically and production wise) over her reciting her grocery lists and mentioning nikki or courtney for the 10th time ? absolutely fucking yes.
  15. i kinda feel a bit like this tbh. i loved nfr but it never hit me like others did before. i loved cocc but it feels like a 9 track ep with something missing. i loved the 3 singles and i still listen to them a lot but they aren’t necessarily new or groundbreaking sound wise. i feel like i’ll give her a last chance with this album (and probably the one after cause i’m a weak bitch) but if this ends up as another "let’s strip it back to pretend it’s deeper than it is" album that’ll feel like it’s missing that certain…magic, fullness, replay value, excitement whatever you wanna call it then….truly idk…but i honestly don’t see myself stanning same sounding piano ballads for forever let’s just say that (or maybe i’ll do but i’ll be pretty pissed about it and complain a lot).
  16. i really think she’ll delay it but only a few weeks, a month tops and i’ll be pretty fine with it as long as we’ll have it by the end of summer. she never delayed an album more than twice and i think her label would smack her if she’d delay it thrice
  17. ok that’s it manifesting lana’s bare ass cheeks on the cover LETS GO cola pt 2 coming ??
  18. can’t wait for her to show miss "this isn’t a healthy mindset for young girls" and the poor one how it’s done this summer
  19. how can i say this nicely? this is the worst tracklist i’ve ever seen
  20. exactly ive been doing that since march if BB flops it’s nikki’s and demi’s fault
  21. so anyways let’s start a new nikki lane hategate i know her inbred ass voted trump I KNOW IT
  22. i hope so ENOUGH with the ballads. it’s worthy to note that mike only did minor productional work on partition tho. justin timberlake, timbaland and j-roc did most of it. imagine partition but as a lana piano ballad tho PLS the serve "est-ce que tu aimes les blue banisters? je veux dire la couleur blue? les banisters? les hommes pensent que les femmes détestent…"
  23. the fact i’ve set myself up to believe lana would finally get her own lo-fi, soft, psychedelic electro trap masterpiece like love drought just to end up with… another (very lovely) piano ballad
  24. not miss zionist Banks complete and utterly copying the chemtrails mv… and people think cocc doesn’t have impact ??
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