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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. you’re reading too much into it yes and no. i think the account’s random but i remember last year when thunder leaked at one point it started getting constantly taken off of youtube. that was in like september/october (she was probably starting to work or think about BB) so at that point i thought that meant it would be on cocc but obviously it was meant for whatever came after aka BB. maybe IM reading too much into it but maybe she was reworking the leaked version back in october or so with zach to put it on the new album
  2. well this was a sure thing it was on the album so to me that’s really great, i’d love to see a (well) reworked version with some updated lyrics (not tnbar style tho pls) regarding boz why does he constantly have his panties in a twist? that man just seems so whiny like man you are an insider. literally nobody follows you for anything else than infos on their favs. we frankly don’t care that he enjoys a song or not we just want tea. he knew damn well what he was doing posting something lana related after over a month of complete silence…why’s he acting shocked now?
  3. true her ass was lying but people coming for her were even more stupid. did she look dumb af? absolutely. did people utterly overreact for a book signing of 15 people when 99% of other celebs had mega parties and people like Dua Pandemica traveled to every single country of the world during the same pandemic and they didn’t trash them nearly as much as lana? absolutely yes too.
  4. imagine taking some random fag with cat ears’ opinion seriously idk who his biased ass thinks he is but...
  5. can somebody harass boz on twitter already ? WE NEED MORE INFO
  6. think bigger dear: thunder will take the place of I Wanna Be A Country Fad ft. Nikki Lane so this is an absolute win either way
  7. remember insiders and lana’s friend told us it wasn’t coming then and we just chose to not believe them and get disappointed? this time everything’s still confirmed (for now) so it’s not really the same situation
  8. girl where you been we’re expected NOT to have a delay (for now if everything turns out well)
  9. i was waiting for you and your detective eye and nail encyclopedia queen and as usual you DID NOT disappoint same i think the other one is definitely very recent, either way she looks good GOOD (and would look twice as good if she made an official album announcement )
  10. this looks more recent. on another similar pic she has very long baby blue nails, i think she had those not that long ago but i could be wrong
  11. one of her friends (apparently she’s on private) posted it to her insta story a few minutes ago. idk if it’s an old or recent pic tho….
  12. wtf is this pic recent? our beautiful sunburned queen. she better spill about the album or i’ll drown her in that ocean
  13. still better than whoever tf is on the released alternative version
  15. oh yeah i agree with everything you say and this era definitely feels very different from the others and ever since the 3 surprise singles i guess anything could be possible with her now. but i can’t shake the feeling somethings fishy….no preorder, title announcement (or any announcement in months), no cover or tracklist post and there’s like 2 weeks left…. something just feels very off but again the 3 singles were surprises i don’t see why the album as a whole couldn’t be but something’s still…weird what boz said does give me a lot of hope i mean (and i fucking hope i don’t jinx it) except if Lanzi’s brain fog kicks in yet again and tells her to delay it for no apparent reason last minute i don’t see any reason as to why it couldn’t come out in 2 weeks if boz can still confirm we might avoid delays that HAS to mean everything’s more or less ready to go.
  16. you’re making a lot of sense as you always do but i also don’t see the surprise release happen i mean how could it be a surprise release when the name and date have been announced twice already ? idk it just feels more like another she’s lost af/cheap excuse to not promote/nfr situation than a well planned out surprise release
  17. pls he’s literally one of the two only people who are reliable when it comes to lana…more reliable than herself. if anything he’s just an annoying fag with a power boner
  18. THIS. i’m sorry but i don’t have much hope for this messy album left. i used to be on the "i trust lana’s vision" but ever since lfl, cocc, the selfie covers, messy tour idk anymore. there’s not really a good exemple to show that her scrapping songs is for the better. the uv outtakes like the good life, your girl, fine china, cherry blossom were miles better than most of the fillers on uv. lfl would’ve been one of her best albums if she went the lfl demo, serene queen, roses bloom for you, valley of the dolls route but instead we got… the mess we got. i really don’t see how her scrapping the whole concept and/or tracklist 3 weeks before release day could be a good sign…. especially now that i know boz said something he really wanted was scrapped, rcs being scrapped, dealer possibly scrapped and so on idk
  19. why can’t boz give us the infos about the scrapped stuff now? it’s not coming out either way so i don’t see why he can’t spill now? i hate his ass TELL US SOMETHING NON-CONFUSING FOR ONCE
  20. you know it’s the other way around and she scrapped all the good stuff and leaves us with last minute fillers but i mean HEY people were manifesting lfl 2.0 and that’s exactly what they are getting
  21. oh ok… "she did remove something i really hoped would make it" this is terrible news should’ve stayed in the drafts
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