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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. why would i at you when it was literally a general statement ? but since you wanna be included so badly be my guest girl
  2. funny how the "iF yOu dOnT liKe a SoNg yOu dOnT nEed tO sLanDeR iT" people are the same who’ll have a brain aneurysm and call you all sorts of names when you don’t like a song they like
  3. noir is literally awful, dance till we die is cute but that’s it and the sound check isn’t very audible so not very representative. as i said before nothing appealing was said about that song and if it still hasn’t come out it’s probably for the best and for a good reason
  4. see this is what i’m talking about. everyone has crazy huge expectations for every mythical scrapped song until one day it comes out and most people either hate it or are disappointed and forget the song because it’s obviously just not what they were expecting for years. like if she scraps songs maybe… just maybe there was a reason for it. and i join you on the fact dealer’s description doesn’t sound one bit appealing. people came up with the rock sound possibility due to the screaming when we didn’t know how slow, calm and empty cocc would be. if it was supposed to be on cocc no way on earth is it as creamy, punk rock song and more likely some form of embarrassing mess
  5. anyways it’s not coming next week let’s just accept it
  6. you have comprehension issues dear literally where did i say i hated yosemite
  7. eh dealer will probably be another yosemite or life is beautiful and everyone will hate it…it happened with literally every song we’ve waited for for years so if it gets scrapped again maybe it’s for the best
  8. you know what you’re right more thunder like soft rock whatever songs and less piano ballads here we go
  9. i think that too and its not necessarily the worst thing to do considering everyone gives her hate no mater what or how she says it. but i also think it’s risky af like who besides us will listen to the album if she doesn’t say anything about it? and the fact she can’t even talk/doesn’t want to about her art just seems so sad to me… people have to know she’s releasing great music so she has to say something (since her asshats of management and label won’t)
  10. i remember a time where people said that about jack…the ptsd of it all IM SCARED GUYS
  11. why do i feel like this album will be a mess? there’s not a single good indicator or omen for now, her silence is deafening and can’t be good either…. god this will be ass won’t it ?
  12. oh no it wouldn’t it would sound even better, just not those cheap guitar chords from the snippet wasn’t there a member on here who said one part of ww was giving uv vibes? can’t remember which one. but obviously all of her more “boring" songs would sound bomb with added guitars, strings and/or drums. we’ll never get that again tho i fear
  13. sounds like shit either way it’s giving neither of those but i love your spirit
  14. it’s badly mixed chords so i guess it’s nothing
  15. this fandom is just so ???? they whine and cry about lana doing anything remotely country but then go and country-fy the songs themselves ???
  16. don’t bother king you know half the girls on here have reading comprehension issues
  17. oh….well… you get the point she’s very active INFO IS INCOMING
  18. random video with what are obviously (not) lyrics ? oh yeah i can feel an album related post is imminent, the tea is coming SOON
  19. exactly like what even is the point of adding/wanting 5-6 songs we’ve heard for half a decade already?? i love her tradition of adding an unreleased/leaked track to her albums i think it adds something really cute and intimate to it since it’s only us stans who know them and it’s still a new song for the locals (plus 1 well known song out of 12-14 is totally acceptable) but wanting 5 or 6 of them on a new record ?? just go on soundcloud
  20. you got paid early to be able to buy all the vinyl variants and merch coming out not this weeknd no BUT THE NEXT ONE
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