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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. "attention seekers" the call is coming from inside the house, pick it up btw indirectly answering is still answering bozo
  2. i see you’re still doing the "let’s pretend i’m an insider" cosplay
  3. she better break both and have strings AND flop banisters at the end of the album (or in the trash whatever’s more convenient)
  4. most of them won’t be reworked. some of you really set yourselves up big time this era
  5. first of all bare legs i have literally not said anything and if i/we want to complain about something or have different expectations/hopes/opinions it’s none of your business.
  6. ah yes the only two genres to exist: piano ballads and trap bangers
  7. (but we’re also desperate so i guess this will do for now )
  8. yes it’s very realistic, i’m just not buying that random insider. it’s coming out either way between october/november max we don’t need that insider for that
  9. the last exciting things she did were the tulsa and cinnamon snippets…which she eventually botched so
  10. because he said those 6 songs were on the original tracklist aka the one she scrapped months ago. and living legend, i can fly etc weren’t necessarily on the og tracklist they were just considered to be at some point.
  11. that one is technically not unreleased since she release it already so we can take it off the list ig
  12. Anyways the hope mv was a very pleasant surprise, she looks super pretty and overall very cute. I don’t understand her thought process behind it tho because it’s so random (and hopefully not an indication the album will be piano only) but still a very nice surprise, she’s a cutie
  13. fRiEnDlY rEmInDeR iTs YoUr fAuLt fOr LisTeNing tO tHe lEaks <3
  14. again because she quoted me? that doesn’t mean i have to argue with her like are you fucking stupid on purpose ??
  15. pls you’re just playing dumb. you know damn well everything that’s not straight up asslicking or the slightest bit negative towards lana will have y’all crying and barking like chihuahuas. i was just pointing out that the same people who say "guys pls be nice everyone can say what they want" are also the first to attack anyone if they dare to say something different is totally hypocritical, and some of you literally proved my point 30 minutes ago so
  16. you’re simply not nearly interesting enough to argue with
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