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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. i’m an atheist and i never believed in hell or limbo….UNTIL NOW WE’RE SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF IT
  2. no ones asking that tho? not a single person on here asked her to hop on tiktok trends or get a #1 on the charts. asking her to at least talk about her music and give a sense that she still cares about her work, just doing the bare minimum isn’t asking her to jump on trends. these types of comments are giving "you want her to be pop and do btd again" when people are just asking for a bit more production value or professionalism. when i say the comprehension issues on here are rampant
  3. well then let’s hope she won’t do it through an awful h&m like music video full of forced gay pandering like the swiffer lady did can’t she just do a charity live stream concert on a quiet beach ? is that so much to ask for ???
  4. i agree with everything you said. that fame and relevancy won’t stay forever. the gp basically hates her, a huge chunk of her fans unstanned or are on the brink of unstanning. she won’t get a lot of new fans with 0 promo and "repetitive" music. if you discovered lana today through the 3 singles or cocc you probably won’t stan her the way you did years ago. she hasn’t really offered us anything new or fundamentally exciting since nfr. add to that the increasingly messier eras and her unprofessionalism….it’s just starting to get A LOT. even most of us on here won’t put up with her shit eternally. either way she has to reinvent herself, her sound, do something new or different, anything… cause right now it’s just not it. it’s not normal that a majority of a fanbase isn’t even excited for their favs new music and is just mostly either frustrated or having very low expectations. it shouldn’t be like that…
  5. it kinda is tho. it’s sales are closer to 79k than 98k and both are well below her usual sales. the difference is her other albums have GREAT streams. cocc will never have a billion streams not even in 20 years. and streams do show that no one really cares for cocc but heavily cares for her other albums (she should take this as a clear indicator). katy isn’t really an argument either, she has been a massive flop for half a decade now and literally no one cares about her anymore. even honeymoon outsold smile’s first week sales like 3 times. the sales aren’t that tragic considering how messy and inexistent the era as a whole was and it’s genre yes, but they are still her lowest ever by far. and seeing how things are going the next sales will be twice as bad. we’re in the streaming age now, sales are unfortunately less important than streams and her recent streams are really really really bad. either way she has to come up with something quick cause this is just all around tragic, not just sales wise but era wise too. as i said before, lackluster music/eras and complete silence won’t keep her going forever….
  6. someone explained it to me a few weeks ago but i don’t remember… i think it has something to do with the way they count sales or something like that (?) but either way both are kinda weak
  7. exactly let him give the snoozefests to the wannabe folk cosplayer and keep the good stuff for us
  8. not cocc barely scratching 500k streams a day….the only song with over 100k streams is the title track the rest is around 30k per day…. BEYOND tragic like wow this makes godlymoon seem like an otherworldly commercial success. i’m sorry but those streams are unacceptable for a 3 month old album that had at least a bit of promo compared to this one… i’m scared the sales/streams will be ten times worse if she goes the "lemme stay mute" route
  9. i swear to god all those stupid ass locals meeting lana irl every week and not a single one of them has enough brain capacity to ask her for album news ???
  10. PLS i’m giggling please post some more maybe it’ll get the girls going
  11. live footage of blue banisters getting ready to announce its delay next week
  12. but the store’s working perfectly fine for me for a while now… edit: no wait i’m dumb it’s not the french and german store are working and there’s just the cocc stuff so do we still think it means something that the main store isn’t working ?
  13. why they lying like that the store’s working fine for me? and not someone swearing they heard rob confirm the albums still coming next week ??
  14. is this your way of telling us you’ve been kidnapped and need help bestie?
  15. or it means she’s too lazy to fully read the tweet
  16. lana liking that tweet doesn’t mean anything tbh, it’s a long tweet and i doubt she read further than "happy birthday lana"
  17. the fact i’m fully on your side for once…realistic bestie
  18. the fact the only thing really keeping me hype and giving me hope for some productional variety on the new album is a 4 year old leaked song is concerning
  19. that, her complete and utter silence and the fact she scrapped half of the album two weeks before it’s release…that screams big ass mess to me especially considering what happened last time she scrapped a whole concept last minute….
  20. surprise us with what tho ? giving us the date 3 months in advance ? that’s not really a surprise…. the only surprising thing would be her sticking to a date for once
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