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Everything posted by lanasbottom

  1. not if she was already working on it in novermber, she tweet she was working on two album and we assumed it was the cover album BUT IT’S NOT + Ben confirmed it too ITS REALLY COMING
  2. not the twitter idiots saying she’s just trolling to be petty ??? anyways, to porove she’s not and she’s probably not lying like last time: - she never made an official announcement post on insta when she mentioned the september 5th date in qftc but this time SHE DID + she gave the title - zach dawes produced dealer, which she kept last minute BECAUSE she knew she’d release her angry rock magnum opus a few months after cocc - ben confirmed that she worked with zach on the cover album AND a second unknown album with “a personal title that reflects her last 18 months experiences" WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY ROCK CANDY SWEET omg - her keeping the cover album and dealer, both zach produced IS NOT A COINCIDENCE BOOKMARK THIS YALL
  4. some like rollingstone are still missing. she has 20 reviews rn and norman had 28 so i guess the rest’s coming tomorrow and maybe it’ll climb a point or two if we’re lucky
  5. middle aged white art teacher who wears desigual appropriation maybe
  6. it’s the guy gaga stole venus from
  7. ok so who’s paying 1€ for the trial fee of les inrocks? at the end of lana’s article it says “pay to read the 71% rest of the article" ? normally it’s coming out tomorrow on newsstands so i’ll try to go buy it and see if there’s any juicy info in there, i’d love if she was on the cover
  8. reading IS fundamental, she just said she won’t post till friday since the album’s coming out + she literally just said she has 1) 2 albums she’s working on right now 2) the poetry book coming soon 3) a surprise, maybe a live concert or sumn like that for us so RELAX she’s not going anywhere soon
  9. since when does she say album instead of record ?
  10. same energy like when y’all thought "contemplating at costco the santa clarita fires" would be a song on cocc
  11. "until we meet again" god i hate phrases like this especially coming from her cause that can either mean 2 weeks or 2 years
  12. you’re onto something girl, manifesting her announcing LDR8 on friday
  13. "close circle of country friends" the only thing we should manifest is her getting away from them AND the LA matcha girls group (twitter stans whining about her possible retirement when there was 0 doubt she’d retire lmaooo they really hear lana say the word "leaving" and they BOOM they see her at the retirement home munching clementines) and the most important part, what exactly does she had planned for years that now might come to live that’s not a live stream concert like Dua Lipa did but something in that direction? hmmmm i’d love a virtual cocc concert omg that could be so dreamy
  14. if anything that made it just so much more iconic like her big brain mind ugh it amazes me... one of the most acclaimed albums in recent history casually prophesying the next big apocalypse I C O N I C
  15. guys can y’all spread this and mass report this fucking twat? they are spreading the leaks as much as they can, selling them to people and just sent them to the radio station that leaked Dua’s stuff last year. i know radio’s don’t care about lana but i hope they’ll at least get suspended. i’ve sent everything to ben, i doubt he’ll see it, but i hope he’ll sue their fucking dumbass for diffamation and copyright lawsuits. https://twitter.com/bilsintention?s=21 and that damn radio station is playing white dress right tf now i fucking hate it here omg i hope they’ll get run over by a bus
  16. space boots by miley is a top tier crying song idc idc on topic what’s the neil krug stuff LDRaddic is talking about ? i don’t understand portuguese and i’m too lazy to translate it
  17. wait a damn minute... also the bets are open ladies, i give it 2 weeks until a twitter hater or some blue haired lesbian who writes for the guardian calls her a white supremacist for saying white hot forever....
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