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Everything posted by honeybadger

  1. i mean..... makes sense that it was love song it's just such a journey that i don't think i could manage i might just do a little lizzy grant sampler like a little cheese board, like an aperitif... something to cleanse my palate prime me for the gorgeous meal i'm about to receive
  2. this isn't exactly about the lyrics themselves but it's still embarrassing that i literally did not notice there were lyrics during the entirety of the SOC bridge for a really long time..... i noticed the first line and then just thought it was a nice solo guitar moment for the rest also "i push you high, and you lean off/and you lean on/angelina"... personally im a proponent of one of the first two
  3. i just find it hilarious that every single website has slightly different lyrics for the guns and roses bridge there are so many i had to put it in a spoiler it would've been obnoxious i definitely hear it as "i can feel in coming in the air tonight see you walking on that blue pacific i can see you bathing in the summer light turning tan and you look terrific"
  4. maybe i should listen to AKA–NFR straight through in the hours leading up to COTCC release but that seems.... insane it'd take roughly 6 hrs 45 minutes i think so i'd have to start at 5 ish... or maybe i'll just listen to all the lizzy grant songs so i fully feel her reflection on that time
  5. can't wait to hear her messy raw vulnerable squeaking in white dress album trailer today or tomorrow!!! if i say it it has to be true
  6. "dark but just a game mixes portishead, ricky nelson's song garden party and allen ginsberg's poem howl into a potent statement of defiance" definitely will be a statement then... https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/49303/howl
  7. i think she doubts this album because it's so vulnerable, has "looseness" and "willingness to wander" but was "so much harder than any other record" she's made... it's a "fight" and there's a "life lived there", retrospective about her own life, her fighting to acknowledge the past and to accept the present, to reach deeper within herself than she has in the past. it's a fight for "freedom in a world where everything has a price" and a fight to "be free" in her currently world. basically every or most single track titles emphasize this concept of freedom in some way... i'm so excited
  8. not sure, the ON is def only 19... maybe with mentions of florida in the article and eclipse's photo of orlando, the other o is orlando?
  9. this is so off topic to what we're talking about but now that zella day and weyes blood are credited on COCC, i feel like either a) they're more prominent on the song than ms lane in BUS or b) they're not super super prominent but ms lane isn't on BUS at all... either way i don't mind
  10. buy the print if you like the interview!!!! support mojo magazine for giving us this beautifully edited so it isn't crazy amazing insightful article and if we're on the subject of hair i think dark brown looks better than black on her, just for a little more natural look, but it also depends on her makeup/outfit/look... i think for this shoot the lighting also kinda washes her out/is very high contrast so it makes it look super super extreme
  11. i'm unbelievably excited we're about to hear her most vulnerable raw eclectic beautiful record yet
  12. ugh she looks hot i love it..... the piano, the close up shot where it looks like she's in the arctic or alaska with a fur coat about to go racing, fishing, boating, through the glaciers
  13. we have 76 i think! https://i.imgur.com/SCtLBEI.jpg we're definitely missing a page before 70, probably 69?
  14. look how i do this look how i've got this it kind of makes me feel that i was better off
  15. i love all the honeymoon quoting in this article.... acknowledging her best album and all the references = honeymoon is cocc's sister??? cousin??
  16. okay so we're getting guitar, singing on the street, kings of leon, grungy, rocky, night shift, darkness, west coast flying, heavenly, ascension vibes from white dress or some other song on this record? how hot... and complicated yet vague and probably delusional
  17. even though i'll never decode DIOIWON or DATMIMBC... on the plus side kings of leon is hitting right now so thanks eclipse
  18. these are the ones i found that have all the words hoping it's the 2nd one ... if we guessed it i feel like i missed it
  19. @LemonadeHeavens solved it don't mind me lightly stalking eclipse's reputation activity
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