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Pink Flamingo

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Everything posted by Pink Flamingo

  1. Pink Flamingo

    Charli XCX

    girl, so confusing is about who?
  2. I had a dream I talked to Lana after a concert and asked her about LASSO and she said "I haven't finished it, you know. I've been busy lately"
  3. not singing salvatore while being in italy is homophobia idc
  4. the only show I'm expecting is the boston stadium show since that one seems to be different. I have not payed attention to these recent shows cus they're just... I mean the same setlist how many times?
  5. Can the fake snippets being... I prefer fake shit over drought
  6. 13 songs is such a good number
  7. I feel like when Lana said, "I don't know where Lasso is going" she means that sonically she doesn't know where it would fit in, she already told Elle that the album is coming out this year, we've already seen her shoot a video and she's already teased two songs. The same interviewer tells her "your album is coming out later this year" I feel that if it was cancelled or delayed, she would have taken the opportunity to say it because one of the things she did in that interview was to correct information that the interviewers were saying, like when she said "it's only one show in one stadium". (idk if you know what I meant) to all of this we must add the intense country aesthetics that she has been showing...
  8. it's not country, what a surprise and she's still on the making of the album. I can't tell if you're joking or that's true, I'm just trusting what you said
  9. Will BOZ spill about Lana ever again?
  10. Pink Flamingo

    Taylor Swift

    This is not about the music and has not been about that for a long time.
  11. my desperation brought good news LET IT BE ABEL GOD PLEASE I'LL STOP BEING A F4G IF IT'S ABEL
  12. The fuck? Can anything happen? it's fucking dry
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