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Everything posted by heatwaves

  1. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    "As we were doing it, everyone kept talking about how it’d be a great song for Halsey. I was like, ‘No, I love Halsey, but this is a great song for me and I’m fucking keeping it.’ People talk about writing-camp songs being fake and constructed in a test tube or whatever. But it’s very real. We write from our reality. That’s why we’re good songwriters.” lmaoooooo
  2. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

  3. this is a lot but rock music has always been a personal fave so i felt like sharing teehee
  4. bumping this thread cos im feeling nostalgic lmaooo these r still ~bawps
  5. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    cackling @ all of these
  6. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    just realised tht the beginning of "move me" sounds like the beginning of "what i like"
  7. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    the iconic "it's charli bb" @ the end of the "good ones" vid should've been in the actual song 2 & i love bfy but rina's verse felt like an ocean breeze ffs...her verse should've been longer considering the amount of charli songs where charli herself feels like a feature
  8. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    when did she finish writing/recording crash? like...how old would some songs on here b? ik it was planned b4 panini/hifn occurred but i'm guessing she wrote most of it after hifn? or nah i rly love the lyrics on crash too everything abt this album is so stellar and fresh
  9. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    i like to think tht charli listened 2 true romance while writing & recording crash
  10. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    y does the second retweet sound like a threat
  11. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    y not leak 2hot & IFU demo
  12. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    never understood y charles gets so much shit 4 her dancing...she's always having a blast @ has the best energy i've always loved her dancing in these vids, rly kewt
  13. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    i love 2 pretend tht hifn was released w/ fourteen tracks even though 2hot hasn't leaked yet
  14. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    i love every single released so far although new shapes was a grower 4 me personally i'm excited 4 the album & tour hope she doesn't take stan twatter (or pitchfork) 2 srsly, she's better than them & tht's tht
  15. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    a lot of these gross trolls do shit 4 likes and attention, literally ie the meet & greet fuckers from charli tour therefore it's nice 2 see her clapback @ them LMAO
  16. does HBO only hire creepy male creators yikes countless unnecessary gratuitous nudity (but it’s completely ok because the show has shown a couple of random dicks!) a str8 man putting a dude in between the wlw couple & then two "best friends" fighting over a worthless sociopath it just reeks of misogyny it will only last one more season and then a bunch of exposes are coming within the next 5 years for sure (like GOT)
  17. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    me too ugh watching the doc made me emo in many ways but @ the end when she said smth like "can't believe i made 11 songs in 6 wks" i was like "nooooo 14 songs charles"
  18. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    honestly rly rly wish she just released hifn as 14 tracks would've truly been the perfect album i also wish she kept the original verse on i finally understand, im hoping tht will l*ak in full 1 day (along w/ the instalive version of if i cried) & i've always been curious abt the sega bodega demo & didn't want 2...like did she work on those @ all or 2hot remains a mystery but im perched 4 tht 1 too
  19. heatwaves

    Charli XCX

    found some kewt charli vidz, thought i'd share w/ u all tumblr kween
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