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Everything posted by electra

  1. I keep avoiding this thread cause I need to read like fifty pages but I'm back hoes
  2. I picked up sixteen copies and I'll be picking up more throughout the week. DM me if you want a copy xxx I'll only charge the base postage
  3. Get those metacritic points bitch! Snatch the fuck out of those gross lorde stans
  4. Okay, so they haven't swapped over NME where I live. I found two places where they stock it but none of them are stocking the Lana issue. I'll check back every day for the next few days to see if they've swapped the issues out. For some reason, where I live, there seems to be a couple of days delay for all and any magazines. They did the same with Dazed and Elle. Ughghghhhh
  5. The heroin melody kind of sounds like bittersweet symphony and the lyrics remind me of autopilot by QOTSA
  6. I've not been to town yet but I'll try and get as many copies as humanly possible
  7. I'll pick up some copies, they're super lightweight so shipping won't be very much. NME is a very small, light and free magazine so they shouldn't be hard to get.
  8. I think NME is just a UK thing because it's free.
  9. Metacritic score currently sits at 75 from critics and 9.1 from users
  10. On the UK store lana's #2 and surprisingly is being beat by the new NOW album. Then 3 and 4 are LP
  11. What's going on with those gia gunn eyelashes gurl
  12. ??? Lana is #2? Or am I looking at the wrong thing
  13. When does it get released on iTunes??? Like wtf it's still not downloading and coming up as to be released
  15. Guess which lazy bitch just preorder the album half an hour before release
  16. I'll grab a few copies if anyone wants or if anyone wants trades!!!
  17. Won't lie I will literally die a little if LP was the one that ended up blocking Lana in the end LMAO. No one saw THAT coming. (Rest in peace though Chester x)
  18. TBH I just listened to snippets really cause I'm to lazy to download them, upload them to my phone, listen to them.... Like I'm such a lazy bitch when it comes to leaks cause I'm like LEAKKKKKSSS and then wait it out until it releases on Spotify.
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