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Everything posted by electra

  1. When you're offline on LB for a little bit and you come back and people actually noticed you weren't posting
  2. It's slang, I think it might be a UK/Scotland thing though. I just didn't realise it wasn't a real word
  3. Halsey's trying to pull a Lana half way through her career rn with all this controversy but the difference is it's graceless, tasteless and nasty. Fun fact, a little bit of mystery and controversy sells an album (8 million copies of an album, to be presact*). Not attacking artists that have done nothing to you and protecting artists who are cunts. (*also holy shit presact isn't a real word? Like it's just a mix of precisely and exactly? And then you get presactly? I've never had to type that word so that really fucked me up.)
  4. I'm about to be chris/leaked_version in a minute for my offensive posting.
  5. Can I ask why does no one love Charlie? Rob posted today all like sending my love to both of my girls from the top of this hill I climbed or whatever and it's like????? You have three children rob????
  6. I'd take that but I'm across the water so I don't think I would be able to (cause iTunes is iffy about regions).
  7. Happiest girl in the whole USA in the happiest place in the whole wide world
  8. YASSS LEAKED_VERSION PART II COME THROOUUGGGHJJ I'm always here for admin drags
  9. Whoops soz angel In fairness I wasn't really paying attention to who they were replying to
  10. She probably feels as good as you did making a joke about someone being murdered.
  11. It's reasonable to think she might. She's already done things for the past few days for her birthday (like dinner last night). She's never done a fan-orientated event for her birthday. I highly doubt we'll get nothing. Whether it's an announcement or just something she tells a fan, it's not unreasonable to think she'll discuss the album that's coming out in now less than a month. Bookmark me. I guess it's 50/50 but I like a wee wager.
  12. Ngl I wouldn't be surprised if there was something tomorrow. She does it all the time at these small LA things. Pretty sure she dropped news at things like Tropico, etc.
  13. Public but only if you reserve a spot.
  14. I'm so fuckig jealous. LA fans get everything under the sun.
  15. Don't disrespect the LFL vibrator that comes with the box set.
  16. Have you guys ever seen those fundraising things that are like a huge table of all the days of the year and you guess when it's a teddy bear's birthday and if you're the closest you win the teddy bear. Can we just do that with the pre-order and the winner gets a LFL vibrator
  17. She posted her filming her face off to the side of the camera looking away out of her car window with some kind of person speaking through the radio (like a speech/poem rather than music).
  18. The large Polish music chain just said they have no pre-order as the cover is being changed. There's not really any screenshots or anything I've seen that go with the news, but the chain themselves probably wouldn't lie unless someone just made it up and it was never said. I've also seen it's delayed (the pre-order) because she's still changing the tracklist, so it's one or the other.
  19. Something can't die if it never fucking lived.
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