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Everything posted by electra

  1. Can she drop the song so I can use it to twerk on Theresa May's grave tomorrow
  2. The jig is up. I'm Lana. Life is Beautiful isn't coming fagG0tZ
  3. electra

    Daniel Caesar

    I've never seen this dude before but that first video is pure aesthetic. I'll probs keep him in the back of my head and listen up later. He kind of reminds me of The Weeknd with a deeper voice, definitely really talented and seems really sweet. I can get behind chill music like this.
  4. My signed things are a bit weird cause none of it is music but it's still things I love/am passionate about. I got them signed in person, but I have: A poem book signed by Shane Koyczan (poet) Silent Hill HD Collection signed by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (voice actor/singer)
  5. In fairness no one spoke about feminism for approximately ten posts before you posted that.
  6. Cupcakke is activity campaigning for a collaboration and that's it other than the AB drama.
  7. So what? Lmao. Why is that such a facepalm? I know we're off topic. I said it in my post (but unlike some girlies, I still related it back to LFL, so you probably didn't read my actual comment). I didn't realise we were getting offended by likes now on the forum LMAO.
  8. When was the pre-order up for HM, UV and BTD? Like how many days before?
  9. Yes!!! So important! One of my favourite TED talks, it's so easy to sit through. That's another really important thing too, in this video she mentions in societies its hard to see oppression you've been trained to believe isn't there. To paraphrase, she talks about her and a male friend (who doesn't think feminism is needed in their country, I believe somewhere in africa?) at a car valet and she tips the man at the valet. The man at the valet turns to her male friend and says thank you because he believes he's the husband/breadwinner/she doesn't earn her own keep. And that's when her friend turned to her and realised there are tons of sexist things that happen without you even knowing. And little things happen like that in America, Europe, etc. You just don't notice because it's what society says is okay in media, entertainment, etc. To us it's an obviously sexist story, to their culture? Maybe not. So what's not obviously sexist to us? Lots of things, you just have to look for them. Love this speech. If you don't consider yourself a feminist, please watch it!
  10. Important! I don't want to be more off-topic than we already are but "first world" "third wave" "feminazi bullshit" is still super important. Minority woman still have it harder, definitely, but you're scum if you think feminism is useless/just free the nipple bullshit. A lot of people are just scared of feminism because of "man haters", etc. But that's not feminism. In society, we spend so much time making labels we forget to take them away. Someone who hates men ISNT a feminist. The person who bombed Manchester ISNT a Muslim. The KKK ARENT Christians. Feminism, in all quantities is important no matter where you come from. Abortions are still a problem. Rape is still a problem. The wage gap is still a problem. Etc. When I was uneducated and 14 I was one of those anti-feminists who thought it was all man-hating first world problems until I realised how it actually affect me and the women around me. Unfortunate, sad statements I can make that make me passionate about feminism: 1. The first time I was sexually harassed by strangers was Age 11. 2 I know girls who have been raped by family members to no justice. 3 I know girls who have been gang raped to no justice. 4. I know girls (including myself) who had boyfriends that wouldn't stop when told. 5. I know girls that get sexually harassed on the street just for having unique styles. 6. Countless more. And the saddest thing is? You all know these girls too. Not those specific girls, but girls in similar situations. You just all don't know it. You never know what's under the surface until it hits you. Feminism is important in all qualities and you'll never change my mind about that. Some things aren't feminism and we shouldn't be afraid to say it's not, but saying it's useless in our countries? No. Feminism is so important. You can never tell 11 year old me otherwise. And I'm glad Lana is finally confronting it in the new album. I cannot wait to hear God Bless America.
  11. Adele 25 +20 Album Elimination Game +20 Album Survivor Game +20 Badlands Survivor +17 Best Yearly Leak: Elimination Game | 2016 EDITION +20 Blackout Survivor +20 Born To Die Survivor +20 Born To Die Survivor 2.0 +20 Born to Die: The Paradise Edition SURVIVOR!!! +20 Dangerous Woman Survivor +20 Dua Lipa Survivor +20 Electra Heart Survivor +22 Froot Survivor +20 Goddess Survivor +22 Honeymoon Survivor +20 Hopeless Fountain Kingdom Survivor +19 How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful Survivor +21 ISON Survivor +20 Lana Del Ray A.K.A Lizzy Grant Survivor +20 Lana Del Rey: The Ultimate Survivor Game +20 LDR Music Video Survivor +20 Melanie Martinez Survivor +18 My Dreams Dictate My Reality Survivor +20 Paradise Survivor +20 Queen Elizabitch Survivor +20 Sirens - Survivor Game +20 Sirens Survivor! +21 Song Vs. Themselves {Official,Demo,Acapella,Acoustic} SURVIVOR +20 The Altar Survivor +20 The Paradise Edition Elimination Game +20 Trans-Suburban Fantasy - Survivor +20 Ultraviolence - Survivor Game +20 Ultraviolence Survivor +20 Unreleased Survivor Part 1 +20 Unreleased Survivor Part 2 +20
  12. I was gonna keep doing a countdown but I forgot lmao
  13. Imagine thinking feminism has no place i modern western society Can't relate
  14. Remind ya, I'm kinda Wet Running down my Suicidal tendencies.
  15. #1 SONG INCOMING https://twitter.com/cupcakke_rapper/status/872695491519229952
  16. You were the one bringing it up more than anyone else
  17. yOu GuYS aRE bAShInG hER uNEthICal REliGiON sHEs ALoWEd TO mURdER ANImaLS We're just talking about the news, sometimes we'll discuss related things. Again, go calm down. And don't freak out that like two posts mentioned the fact she kills animals.
  18. Ugh it's just news get a grip dude. It's not like it's irrelevant info, it's just confirmation that in the near future we aren't getting a collab with them. Calm your ass down and come back (Edit: also I don't care if it's her religion or following! No cruelty in my household! Human or chicken, sacrifice is gross!)
  19. I'd like to give AB the benefit of the doubt that she's potentially bipolar or has a personality disorder or some kind because of behaviour is just too irrational and jittery to be justified at this point. The chicken thing is way out there though. But she's had such a wavy relationship with Lana, I don't know how Lana puts up with the public drags and insults so much when they still seem to be friends, unless there is something else there for AB. Cause literally they're not together that often but when she says things like "I ask all the time" it suggests hey still talk. Even after the Art Deco drama, the witch thing, this, probably a million other things I'm forgetting..
  20. Reminder that in 2017 azaelea banks sells signed soap to get by.
  21. Let them pretend Lana isn't 20x more talented, 20x more pretty, 20x less of a dickhead, 20x more successful and 20x more interesting than Banks. 212 was a bop but that's about it.
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