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too fast too young

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Everything posted by too fast too young

  1. I think the Judah Smith interlude really fits in when you listen to the album as a whole. It flows nicely. Wouldn't listen to it outside of listening to the album in order though.
  2. jumbo records but they were extremely limited so probably all gone now
  3. I'm such a Father John Misty fan so I'm so obsessed with this. On my first full listen of the album right now and I think this is my favourite song so far
  4. All my orders actually arrived today my record store gave me a poster as well
  5. It a whistle, lighter and a t shirt I think https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5dcgxLRjn/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5dcgxLRjn/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= This a record store in the UK and they said it was a whistle, lighter and T-shirt
  6. I don’t know why but I feel like this would be really awkward to attend and ruin my first listening experience of the album. I just can’t imagine standing around for over an hour just listening to the album over the speakers with the other people in a record store. Sorry it’s just not my thing
  7. There is record store listening parties next Wednesday in various stores around the UK oh they are really out here doing the promo this round
  8. My local record store received the promotional posters today and I hope I get one with my order 🤞
  9. Yeah Lana did a small interview when she premiered the song Chemtrails on the show last year.
  10. I actually hate Assai all it is is a scrap of paper it’s not worth ordering (or paying the hideous resale prices) guys
  11. I really don’t know if to buy the picture disc or hold out to see if the box set is actually happening. I already caved and bought the necklace the other week and don’t really want to buy more than 3 vinyl editions which I already have preordered
  12. my parents have a ten year age gap and have been together for over 30 years.
  13. Created this A&W single cover from an edit I was playing around with today from the Interview photoshoot the image link wouldn't paste into the post for some reason
  14. Hmm was hoping for more represses of Opeth albums like they have been doing for the past few. Only interested in The Big Moon, Peaness, Tori Amos and maybe Yard Act this year really. Edit: I feel like I had the easiest time last year getting the Taylor Swift single so people need to chill out this year.
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