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Everything posted by turquoisejewel

  1. He really did In the bridge he put both his entire enlarged old man balls it's just so goooood
  2. the fact that it still hasn't leaked gives me a little hope for a future release
  3. I didn't like it at first but it has grown on me. I think I don't like it in this particular order IMO it would have been better if she put it before Dealer so it would have been followed by something strong/impactful as well.
  4. Dealer is honestly so cathartic I love it I DONT WANNA LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVEEE
  5. this made me laugh so fucking much
  6. turquoisejewel

    Song vs. Song

    Mermaid motel vs the ocean
  7. I think she means that with the money she made from people constantly talking about her aka free publicity -from her weight to her political views- she bought some expensive ass shoes, so she's thanking the haters: your interest really made stacks so thanks for that!
  9. Happy saturday beautiful people of LB That moment during the ig live when she said that the wawawas in living legend where supposed to mimic a SAX and not an electric guitar
  10. Wow people really have become so comfortable critiquing every single little thing Lana does and doesn't do. From her hair clip to her performance. I wonder why is that She sounded and looked great, it was prerecorded (which is common nowadays), get over it. I don't understand why people (especially fans) hold Lana to a higher standard than everyone else as if she owes you anything. Anyways, signing off now, 2:25am here. Hope you have a good night/day, depending where you are
  11. Idk what everyone is still complaining about, it was obviously going to be prerecorded. She looked and sounded better than ever Such a fun and lovely release day we had
  12. That little part where she used her baby voice I can't Her voice her skin her tiddies her confidence HER She really did that
  13. OMG Lana wait I'm about to light one up brb don't start without meee
  14. I don't like it either. Not because she might be making parallels between her and Picasso himself but because of the way she shyly namedrops him. You can barely hear Picasso, I had to look up the lyrics to find out he mentioned him lol I mean if you're gonna drop such a statement just SAY IT LOUD GIRL you got this. I don't like that song overall tbh, maybe it will eventually grow on me
  15. Lana's revenge is working Also one of my coworkers asked me to turn up the volume during Thunder too
  16. I'm forcing my coworkers to listen to Lana and they're all slowly falling in love with her voice, on this lovely rainy Friday afternoon
  17. haven't seen it yet, I wonder how ajay will react too. Not really a typical Lana album so I get it!
  18. Idk if anyone said this but I just saw Jon Denton already posted his reaction! A supportive king I see
  19. Posted by Neil Krug stunning in yellow! Matching with her John Deere
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