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Let the Light In

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Everything posted by Let the Light In

  1. This post has been deleted took me out
  2. do time travelers exist
  3. So only songs from this album that didn’t have music videos were Love Song, Cinnamon Girl and How to Disappear? Or maybe they had MVs too who knows…
  4. I believe in this album not coming out + concept, name, track list and everything changed since she made the announcement
  5. Chappell is about to get that #1 album and that certain singer released two more variants
  6. So sweet to see Abel supporting Billie
  7. Everything about this movie is a disaster, Cherry did not deserve this
  8. I am pretty sure Lifetimes would get much less hate if it was released as the first single. It would just be a flop. It was the fact that a song named Woman’s World + working with Dr.Luke that generated a lot of backlash.
  9. 365 and Chihiro and no McDonald’s
  10. I’m not a mathematician I’m a con artist
  11. Did you see how she was looking at the camera in the first picture…Lasso is definitely coming
  12. 365>360 Math never lies
  13. spinmeround - 5 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 10 The Siren - 24 lustforlife - 30 lanaswildflowers - 13 arcadialovesong2018 - 10 sparklejumpropenoose - 11 DeluluKing - 3 Acid - 24
  14. spinmeround - 10 13bitches AKA shadesoflovedyouthenandnow - 9 The Siren - 23 lanaismom - 6 lustforlife - 24 lanaswildflowers - 10 wilting daisy AKA necessary sacrifice - 4 arcadialovesong2018 - 9 sparklejumpropenoose - 11 DeluluKing - 9 Acid - 15 i wont stop fighting for her and her french husband
  16. I’m sorry I thought it was about Shapes flavors and I’m not even Australian
  17. guessing it’s an old photo posted recently
  18. Hoping that she’ll release BOAF video after Olympics performance
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