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Posts posted by HeyBlueBaby

  1. Gaga sold out to become accepted in Hollywood after ARTPOP flopped, but bigger than that I think it was losing her original team of managers that did her in at that time.


    That’s why she started pandering to Middle America and turned into this non-problematic, non-offensive figure. She didn’t even publicly say anything about the shooting that happened at the gay club in Colorado recently (IIRC) when before, she was very vocal about things like this. 

    I’m happy she’s had a successful transition to film, it suits her and she can still make good music for soundtracks (like LBR, ASIB was better than J/C and performed better than them too)


    But I think her pop career is over. Chromatica felt forced. She didn’t really seem into it, just going through the motions while promoting. Songs are half baked too. I hope she puts dance music to rest and does something more true to what she feels next album cycle. 

    Hold My Hand was abysmal though. But like I said Middle America, so it did what it was supposed to do I guess :gclap:

  2. Can she do something please. Like the fact that we probably won’t get another album until 2024/2025 isn’t sitting right with my lack of patience rn. I hope she plans to do a little EP or mixtape in between if this is the case. :ohno: For some reason I’m really interested to see how she will follow up with Crash. 

    Oh and what’s going on with her label/contract? Is it up or did she resign with them or is she shopping for a new contract?

  3. Not only 1 person showed. Looks like years of blaming the label for lack of traction in her career hasn’t payed off for professional victim Sky Tonia Ferreira.


    The good news (?) is we’ll probably only have to wait until next summer for her to go around to magazine publications to talk about how she’s still trapped but a new album is coming soon! So let’s celebrate that I guess? 


  4. 3 hours ago, mssainttropez said:

    idk if this is unpopular, but beautiful people beautiful problems is one of the best songs on lfl. the following opinion is probably unpopular, but compare to her other albums, lfl is ranked pretty low (it’s not a bad album at all, but i would rank it last in comparison to all her other albums). i’m going to enrage a lot of lfl stans..


    I posted about my BPBP (album version) appreciation a few times. It seems like a lot more fans are coming around to finally appreciating the album version, and that makes me happy. Such a 180° from the demo and I so appreciate the message she wanted to convey with the album version. <3 

  5. 1 hour ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    I haven’t read the interview but I doubt it. Doubt Courtney even thinks it. 

    but, to be fair, when UV was out, with its unapologetic lyrics, with her weird interviews (whether she was misquoted or not), with its tragic undertone, I was sure that by the time she was 40, we’d find that Lana had ODed or something on her bathroom floor :bebe: Glad I was mistaken though and all her other albums after that reassured me. 

    And this is still one of my fears (not an OD) but that something bad will happen to Lana and she won’t be with us anymore. So that’s why the comparison triggered me.


    I know Courtney was praising her. Mentioning Lana’s sobriety is weird to me though, because even though she sings about it in her songs at times she’s never explicitly spoke about sobriety. 

    Still think CL is a legend of course, but I hate when people mess with Lana! 

    I meant no harm in my previous post <3 

  6. Courtney Love is annoying and her comparing Lana to Kurt Cobain leaves a weird taste in my mouth. Am I the only one scared for Lana’s life? I feel like that interview was somewhat propositioning Lana as this star who’s going to tragically die young like Kurt. But maybe I’m reading too much into it. 

    I hope Lana stays away from Courtney after this! But I’m sure she knows how Courtney is and isn’t too personally upset by her comments.

  7. I know it’s not likely and we already have the material but I wish that she would release high quality versions of her most popular unreleased songs. SK, UATW, QOD, MMITPM, KOOL, EMGHW, CBY, etc deserve to be released to the general public. Of course these songs have already raked up several millions of views on YouTube, but it would be cool to see how casual listeners react to the material, and see which ones become the most streamed/favored over time.


    I honestly don’t see how it could even work because she has so much material that could be split into several releases of unreleased content, depending on the mood or vibe of the song. But it would be enough if she just chose 15 or so of her favorite unreleased and mastered them and put them out there on an official platform. Just to pay homage to them and how loved they are among her fan base and even casual listeners.


    This just came to mind because I was reading about UATW and it said in 2017 that it was one of her faves and she would like to release it in the future. With how she’s treated leaked content up until now, she’ll probably just continue to use them for the right project or pull from unleaded demos she has sitting around. Maybe it’s for the better - she has nothing to prove and her discography as a whole (incl unreleased work or not) speaks for itself.

  8. 2 hours ago, swansong said:

    i’m not sure if this is unpopular but 13 beaches would’ve been better on nfr and the next best american record would’ve been better on lfl :true:

    I kind of agree about 13B, it sounds a lot like Cinnamon Girl now that I think about it. Could easily fit on NFR.

  9. 1 hour ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

    I quite like YTH, and think it would fit as her last release, a retirement single, if you will. There is also the option of it being a posthumous release, in which her will has a mention of YTH being her last officially authorized release, for it to be her send-off :crai:- just my opinion though


    Not likely unfortunately. But not like it matters - the leaks are still coming. We probably have like, 350-400 leaks now? We don’t need a posthumous release from her. I wouldn’t even want it as a fan tbh. If it’s not crafted specifically by Lana please keep it. 

  10. On 12/25/2022 at 2:14 PM, kaliuchis said:

    83-C05-A05-96-A1-44-D4-9024-266-FBFF2223how reliable is this?

    These make sense to me. 2010 was when she was recording a lot of those more pop sounding songs like Breaking My Heart, Hit & Run, Be My Daddy, etc.


    I kinda believe the Caught You Boy tea. I always thought it sounded pitched or something. Even at the end, when she’s talking, it sounds high. We need the unedited version someone leak it please!



  11. On 12/24/2022 at 7:23 PM, DeadAgainst said:


    From Philip K. Dick:



    Anamnesis. "Can you hear me?"


    From "Get Free"—


    "Finally, gone is the burden of the Crowley way of being"


    Why did she say this? Why does she mention Aleister Crowley? Could it be she actually practices Thelema? Why does her position in the "Blue Jeans" music video mirror that of the Hanged Man in Crowley's Thoth tarot? Is this not another exhortation to "remember"? It is important to her because she believes something important has been lost; something in all of us. 


    "I'm the queen of alchemy
    I know a way to make gold by mixing our
    Souls to escape reality"


    Why does she always mention fire? Why is she always burning? 


    "Anyone can start again
    Not through love but through revenge
    Through the fire, we're born again
    Peace by vengeance brings the end"


    People simply refuse to stop and think about what any of these lines actually mean. My unpopular opinion in the unpopular opinions thread.

    Thank you and user @slang for having this type of discussion and I encourage you both to keep it going! As a reader I find it fascinating, and as a fan it pleases me, because I think the messages Lana is trying to get across in her songs are very hard to read and often feel like they have esoteric meaning but I never know where to start beginning to understand most of it. 



  12. I don't know if this is considered unpopular, but NFR is the album I revisit the least lately and I can't pinpoint exactly why because I don't hate the album or anything. If I do revisit it, it's usually Love Song or Bartender that I play. Maybe I overplayed it when it came out and I need some time to be able to listen o it again. Maybe those songs are for a very specific mood and I'm just not there right now.

  13. 16 hours ago, LunaeManifestum said:

    Can’t believe Totl 3 was indeed being worked on but they decided to stop it in favor of her debut like?? People were demanding it. She was the queen of Halloween. These beats are one of the best things we got in these last 2/3 years and by the sound of it they could easily be an amazing follow up to Totl 1&2 (better I would risk it) the beat for Blood Sucker, Ghost and Take My Life… wow ladies we really lost it

    It'll probably come out in a few years when any hope for commercial success is really dead and gone.

  14. 29 minutes ago, wendywilliams said:

    24 is Lana's best song:hottie:

    24 is criminally underrated. The last minute of the song is so mesmerizing and puts you in a trance. It HIT so hard when I listened to the album on acid, and since then 24 (and Swan Song) are in my top favorites from HM. 10/10 musical brilliance 

  15. Just now, Vertimus said:

    Look, not everyone is going to agree with you about everything, or anyone else. There's thousands of members here, and they have thoughts and interpretations of their own. 

    I’m aware and implore you to have your own opinions.


    But I think it’s weird to turn them into these political like discussions. 

    She’s written about several taboo topics - DV, drug use/abuse, depression, mental illness, suicide….but that lyric grinds your gears? 

    You’re entitled to feel how you do, I’m just curious as to why that specific lyric drew the line for you. Lol

  16. 1 minute ago, Vertimus said:

    Read through the thread. We're not complaining. We're discussing, and it started with the "fuck me to death" line and how some are reacting to it. 

    The lyric is typical Lana. What’s wrong with it? She’s written similar lyrics. Fuck It I Love You? What’s the issue now? I really don’t get it.

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