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Posts posted by Bonita

  1. 39 minutes ago, urgirl said:

    even tho she will probably never write an album in the tier of The Family Jewels again its okay with me


     Dante never wrote something as good as the divine comedy again but that didn't make Dante a flop it just meant he completed his masterpiece.





    i still know she can put her whole marinarussy into an album i just do


  2. 7 hours ago, Venus Fly Trap said:

    It's not the first time she doesn't fully correct or change the writing in some songs though, check her leaked demos. I ain't sure if Obsession's leaked demo was the first one made, but lyrically is mostly the same anddd so is the case for I'm a Ruin first homemade demo which probably is a v early one (if not, the actual earliest one). 


    am probably gonna get shit for what I'll say rn but there's only one life so whatevs (Alexa play Venus Fly Trap) 

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    My point is that this thread is FILLED of meltdowns or criticism since L+F me fears which I guess is ok as this is a music forum and nobody is obligated to visit a specific thread anyways (although actually I do like to be active in this one xd), but it's kind of tiring and bothering to constantly read the same fricking opinions such as "I LikE thIs sOnG but thIs x linE is CriNgy", "MoriNa cHanGinG hEr nAmE wAS stUpiD", "CLeAn BanDiT rUinEd MaRinA" "cAnt bElievE mAriNa firEd jeSS" (and yes, that was a dick movement but we ain't knowing the context yet). Like yeah wbk Marina's music went downhill since FROOT and has done some shitty stuff, so get over it, try to enjoy her new music and stop complaining bc (again) it's a pain in the culito (ass) to some people (or at least to me) to see how somebody disliked x already known thing that Marina did. Get over it, accept that Marina is Marina and try to enjoy her goddamn actual music because she won't make another TFJ just to satisfy us. 


    And before some of y'all (and that specific member that knows who is it) try to nail my post, I don't care, I think I made a point and





    i get what you're saying repeated criticism is annoying - but all i hope for is she takes them into account it could really help her navigate the next record

  3. 23 minutes ago, brandon said:

    retweet to this. god the entirety of new america, the super on-the-nose lyrics of ptp, that godforsaken line in no more suckers? 


    her lyricism gets real weak sometimes (that being said, there are some songs here and there that are really great - adiaml title track for one - so we know she still has it in her, it’s just potential that she locked up in a cupboard) 


     feeling like she should hop in daddy nowels dms.. he posts about the songs they made together pretty often on his IG, we know he loves her so :smokes:


    I'd rather have the bitch that wrote Froot to slap some sense into MARINARA and give us her AOTY moment :diva:



    When you stay over, you eat all of my food
    Yeah, you mess up all my towels, but this time, I'm checking out :deadbanana:


  4. 9 minutes ago, Venus Fly Trap said:

    I'm Marina and you are the people that always spot a goddamn flaw to everything I do 


    that's honestly not the case... she checks all the boxes but the process of songwriting. ADIAML never fully realized its concept due to the abhorrent lyricism throughout the album - the title track kinda did a good job but it just falls flat sometimes... I get that she's having fun with it and some people do enjoy it (including myself) but cmon you can't be coming up with lyrics like "You got a job and a car and a good dental plan/You got health insurance, pocket money, damn" when you've written absolute masterpieces like I'm A Ruin and Obsessions. I have high hopes for the next record and I hope she actually improves on ADIAML's problems 

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