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Everything posted by Bonita

  1. right? At least Lana is bringing those tracks from that album back from the dead like look at Godifornia
  2. at least we know its not this album - and I really wanna hear Loved You Then I love the title tbh
  3. don't kill me but "How to disappear" and "xanny" by Billie Eilish
  4. im pretty sure we'll get the single next week or sometime the week after next week since billie babadoo eilish and jack are releasing albooms (the latter with Lana featuring in some songs )
  5. I love how we're all greedy for this album when we recently got one - there's so many cool releases to check out tho as we starve for news
  6. yeah I'm pretty sure it was made after their break up
  7. I don't think it's about authenticity - it's more about her feelings about this person have changed and this is something that happens all the time like I know for a fact I wouldn't leave in a song meant for someone I just broke up with on my upcoming album The anecdotes aren't her pushing an authenticity narrative it's more of a storytelling device (and it paints a picture in our head) and even if she is sticking to her telling her story or what not it seems like she's doing a good job so let's wait for the album
  8. Once we get the album we'd be able to tell if the album scrapping was because of the break up or not - we know that the three singles we got mention Clay in some capacity (and that this album was about recent events according to her) so yeah and the fact that she added Thunder to this album... Since she claims she's telling her story on this album it's gonna be interesting how she's gonna flip the whole thing about Clay but whatever we'll see
  9. unpopular opinion: Lana posting snippets is highkey a good thing. it really got me hyped the fuck up for NFR! and the songs were still mysterious regardless I remember when people thought that "Love song" and "Cinnamon Girl" snippets were the same song ahh good times I also get that everyone here wants more tracks for this album but please don't be disappointed when it's not. It's more about the album being a body of work not a dump of like 22 songs that aren't cohesive at the slightest. I know this album will be great I feel it in my bussy
  10. I'm just thankful we're getting an official release for those songs - and if ur bothered it's just karma doing it's thing since the songs were leaked
  11. its not that I hate her because of a trend but comparing her to Lana rubbed me the wrong way
  12. 1. don't compare her to that rat 2. I get the frustration of no big eras but Lana isn't a big pop artist and honestly one of the best parts of stanning Lana is the fact she calls all the shots - no matter how questionable they are - u just get the satisfaction of knowing she's in control of her chaos. Chemtrails era was fucked up by Covid which by extension granted us an entirely new album so let's revel in that and hope she delivers and as we've seen so far (aside from the picsart) she IS delivering. She's an alternative singer with pop sensibilities NOT a pop artist 3. don't compare her to that rat EVER
  13. Bonita

    Song vs. Song

    Million Dollar Man vs Hundred Dollar Bill
  14. Bonita

    Song vs. Song

    Cola vs Bartender
  15. I don't care for the Blue Banisters video I care for the untitled single's video it looks iconic and it has CHEESE!
  16. Bonita

    Song vs. Song

    Pretty When You Cry vs Freak
  17. Blue Banisters is a perfect opener tbh - it's the end of the relationship and she's letting us know how she's navigating through it - the single could either fit before or after Blue Banisters since she's singing about how her body is a map of LA to deter her from her time in Oklahoma: She's reclaiming LA as her body and it's perfect Wildflower Wildfire feels like it plays after a really intense song (I'm looking at you Dealer ) but I'm curious about Text Book's placement
  18. I'm feeling a July/August release for the single with the preorder I need to know the tracklist and start obsessing over it
  19. in all seriousness I'd invite a reimagining of it tbh - I trust the woman
  20. I just hope she maintains the magic and vulnerability of the 2013 recording of CB and I wouldn't mind if she just reused that specific recording
  21. I'm so eager for the tracklist Lana never misses when it comes to track titles
  22. I hope Lana is lurking here and looking at ur concepts and gorgeous titles
  23. the lyrics on each of the songs so far are some of her best songwriting and the record's narrative and jazz influence is enough to make it among some of her best work
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