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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. High as hope is an underrated gem June has to be one of her best songs ever. Takes my breath every time
  2. Where the crawdads sing I think that Taylor’s song was perfect for the movie
  3. This song has a dark energy that I love
  4. I am having quite a hard time these couple of days and this album has helped me to calm down and think more clearly. It's really comforting
  5. OMG THIS HAS TO BE TRUE the album cover will be her holding a white guitar with the DN symbols on it
  6. Some of the consequences of british colonialism in Cyprus during her reign. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/07/tortured-to-death-the-14-cypriot-men-killed-by-british-in-50s-uprising
  7. Just came here to say that we need guitars in the next album
  8. Unacceptable behavior that crossed the line.. Hope you are feeling better now
  9. omg i'm ready for an album inspired by witches and vampires
  10. Happy Birthday LB !! <33 i’ve been a member here for only a year but this special corner of the internet has become a really important part of my everyday life , so ty to everyone for brightening up my days
  11. It’s finally here i can’t believe it
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