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Everything posted by drugmunny

  1. omg we done discussed this in the WW thread I can't do it again it's too sad
  2. dont dooo it dont do it just wait edit: evidently this joke is rather derivative
  3. real question- how old are u babe? this is giving me pathologically lying for attention in middle school.
  4. arcadialovesong2018 when the album leaks in a few days and those fake ass lyrics are nowhere to be seen
  5. ok wait how long is sweet carolina supposed to be? also this instrumental kind of sounds like something that would play in the background of a funeral scene in downton abbey
  6. fr the community needs plastiscguy mixes for every track blue banisters in case the album production is trash, help us out with stems "insiders!"
  7. i just pretend she put it on paradise LOL
  8. unrelated but the very clearly fake serene queen snip on the site BANGS
  9. isn't it possible pattys going to meet her grandchild and she just took a ride of a millionaires (Robs) jet and it has nothing to do with Lana
  10. I think it's sweet symbolically that she has included the family that is still in her life on the closing track. from a purely thematic standpoint, i think it's beautiful that she is showing forgiveness by including her father on the same record that has Text book and a really interesting concept given what she's said about how at the end of the record we will hear "where she is now"- that is, présumabley in her small circle of trust. THAT BEING SAID i agree it's probably not going to be on of her better songs overall. im predicting For Free pt 2 and that it's probably not going to do anything for most of her fans. im mostly just excited to hear what the hell all her family and friends sound like on a song together with her
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