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Everything posted by Honeyyoung

  1. can you tell what the album's genre is aming for? folk, rock... or atleast lana songs/albums that come close to it
  2. judge me but my favourite part of the pre-release eras are the insiders with their fake info and vague description of songs
  3. noo it's ok lol. i mean just from the nfr sessions and what we know from chemtrails, they for sure have done multiple takes for the songs. ofc white dress is one take but it's the whole point of the song
  4. yall can hate on jack all you want but he is professional on making sure she records more than one take
  5. this woman needs psychological help, not jokes mocking her.
  6. her world tour incoming!! excited for her show in trinidad and tobago
  7. i think jack brings out the melodic composition and the lyrical content on lana (both highlights on nfr). i do think we could have a mike dean/ emile hayne/ surprise producer album with the help of jack in these areas
  8. can we start the jack slander after we hear the actual music? i mean don't get me wrong as soon as i hear a piano key snippet i'm rioting but they might be doing something different
  9. Honeyyoung

    Rina Sawayama

  10. when ldr9 is just her greatest hits album
  11. we're walking in circles here but i actually think lana's ballads on nfr are wayy more iconic and memorable than whatever she did on bb or some tracks on chemtrails. the melody work was wayy above also i'm still surprised that i literally have never seen NFR hate within lana stans until i entered lanaboards lol
  12. Honeyyoung

    Rina Sawayama

    pabllo vittar just sang her song featuring rina!!
  13. Honeyyoung


    this album is fucking amazing, SAOKO snatched my wig to space
  14. having piano as the main focus on her last 3 albums and possibly 4 isn't really evolving
  15. Honeyyoung


    my biggest problem with wordle is that you can't just put a letter on any spot you like, so if i find out "o" is the third letter and "a" is the last, i can't just place it like __O_A, which makes it more difficult for nothing
  16. is she finally ditching the piano?
  17. can you give us 3 album concept ideas she might be thinking? with 2 being wrong and 1 being right
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