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Posts posted by shady

  1. Okay, so this band was my 2nd most listened artist, Lana being the top of course :creepna3:

    Superclean is one of the few albums where I love every single song in it, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon being one of those albums. For some reason my Lana stan friends can't seem to like their music although I think they go hand in hand with Lana's sound and vibe. 

    Cinema is still a very good album and slightly weaker than Superclean but still the album that marked my summertime. 

    My only frustration is that it's soooo hard to find Superclean sold by its original price with cheap shipping, not sold on eBay for 10x more, while Cinema is much easier to find. I don't understand why they don't release more copies since they sell out so quickly. I really want both copies. 

  2. 12 hours ago, Coloringbooks said:





    I just keep staring at her shoulders whenever I see that EP. Such an unflattering pose and the photographer also did a shitty job. Reminds me of Kate Moss for Ck but without the rawness and the cool girl factor. The font reminds me of the font used for race cars. 

  3. After BB I really can't look forward to her newer music. I will listen to it regardless but I won't be excited about it being released. She showed that she's only able to make piano ballads in the last 3 years. I have nothing against her ballads but I don't like 100% of her discography being that. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Monsef said:

    Sky delaying her comeback to be respectful of the holy month of Ramadan.

    Queen of respecting  abrahamic monotheistic religious customs and traditions!


    Also for Easter, this week it's Easter for Orthodox Christians. Our queen will probably wait for it to end since it's a sin work on religious holidays. Queen. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Coloringbooks said:


    This is stupid but it made me laugh 


    I'm interested about your takes. What song does come to your minds. 

    For me the drum and guitar intro for You're Not The One immediately starts playing. 

  6. 14 hours ago, DownhillLullaby said:

    I'll catch a disease it's such a raw dear one

    I don't need to deceive 

    Yeah, I'm the real bad girrrl



    It's giving... 


  7. On 4/14/2022 at 11:57 PM, Kristian Karlsson said:


    That fixation on the 2014 Tumblr era that Gen Z on TikTok has I'm pretty sure it's because of the nostalgic vibe it has and how many of us didn't get to live that era on its peak (I was 11 in 2014 so I didn't have a Tumblr, other might have been a bit older or younger), but I remember seeing the Internet full of these "aesthetic" pics of outfits with leather boots, white and black striped shirts, beanies, those things, as well as many artists who found their niche in those Tumblr days (Lana, Marina, Charli, Sky) are popular among us, and that aesthetic of 2014 Tumblr mutated to these nowadays aesthetic which in 2019 I think became E-Girls and those sort of things. So it's kinda like a nostalgia of something we didn't get to live on full.


    I understand that completely. I love the conventional but still alt aesthetic and I prefer it over the e-girl style. I remember being jealous of OkaySage because she was kinda the face of soft grunge in the mid to late 2010s. It was easy to find that stuff, easy to pull ot off and it was convenient for a small town. I was buying my soft grunge stuff mostly in thrift stores and clearances, just like grunge was meant to lol. Many other aesthetics felt like they was reserved to rich city girls. I was a pre-teen/young teen during its peak in 2011-2013 and didn't have the access nor confidence to dress like soft grunge tumblr chicks. I was a little late to the party in 2014. My country was always late for trends until a couple of years ago so I technically wasn't late here. I still don't understand why they chose that year because it's the last year before tumblr started losing popularity. For me, it makes more sense to chose it as the instagram Starbucks VS Angels Madison Beer year lol. 

  8. I came across to a Tiktok that tells a short documentary about Sky. It's so innacurate that it's ridiculous but it's so popular and well made. She's referred as a 2014 tumblr icon, but she was literally active in 2011-13. Btw, she was slowly climbing and I assume that if Masochism was released in 2015 she would've been a B lister. I'm not sure why is Tiktok obsessed with the year 2014 when mentioning tumblr. They were saying like she was an It girl or something when literally no one I'm friends with knows about her. I was a type of person who was digging indie music on YT in the early 2010s and never came across Sky. I'm obviously on this thread because I'm a fan but let's not act like she was ever a B list celeb. Acacia Clark was a tumblr icon, Sky was a B lister maybe on Tumblr. 

  9. 6 hours ago, 2internetghosts said:

    Anybody hopes we have a track like that on the album since she's working with him? It's a shame she barely posted about being featured in this, the darkwave/electro sound fits her vocals so well.... 

    Bands like Boy Harsher and Lebanon Hanover have a sound that would fit her really well, not sure if most pop fans would like it but i bet she digs it.




    The video is unavailable but I love your idea for her direction because I love those bands you mentioned. They remind me of golden age of Tumblr. It definitely suits her but an entire album with that sound would be to depressing. She could balance that with songs like Voices Carry. 

  10. 4 hours ago, sophiesmom said:


    exactly what I thought lol

    the whole "announcement" felt like they still wanted to leave some space for "promotional adjustments", which is translated into the fact that they aren't ready to push for a specific date yet


    maybe they are now? who knows


    My exact thought when all of you were having breakdowns after she released that video. I wasn't that hyped at all. She can release the song in summer or fall if she wanted to. It doesn't guarantee an album release and what if we don't even like the song but were hyped for so long. Keep in mind that it's been years since she announced the name of the album and its aesthetic and THREE years since Downhill Lullaby. A normal artist would've released an album after a couple of months or less after announcing that, but in Sky's case there are no rules. She probably released that to keep y'all quiet. 

    1 hour ago, LunaeManifestum said:

    Tonia logged in on Sky's account and uploaded the teaser so we didnt drag her daughter :true:


    Tonia for mommager. 

  11. 13 hours ago, EXODUS said:



    I agree.

    I adore her music but she was A MAJOR bitch, the weather was awful and sadly the festival was cancelled (many people died as well, it was such a bad weather) and many fans were bummed. But everything that Doja did was bitch and moan, she's super selfish.


    I really dislike her as a person but I can't help but enjoy her music, because it's good.


    Seriously, some people don't deserve big fame. Even less if they can't handle it. Sometimes I think she really wants to go back and being an indie girl.


    I swear celebs like her act like being a millionaire A list singer is the hardest job in the world. Check your goddamn privilege since many celebs are so quick to call out immoral behavior. The only A lister I have simpathy for is Britney Spears. 


    I really liked her as a person and she shares my personally type but as time passes she is starting to remind me of those old entitled musicians from previous decades. It's kinda ironic how she's super chill and relatable on social media but a diva irl. It also shows that we should never idolize celebs and form parasocial relationships, not that I did that but I see people defending her like they're close with her irl. 


    She can probably go back and be an indie girl but she won't be attending events, wearing designer clothes and being able to afford super weird music videos and outfits, which is probably hard for some people. :godlaugh2:

  12. 4 hours ago, Thunder said:

    Yeah, if Lust for Life didn't have those three or four cringe songs in the middle of the album (IMF, Coachella, WTWWAW and GBA (to a lesser extent, I would have still kept this one), and included Roses Bloom For You, Yosemite + Best American Record, it would be one of her best


    IMO I wish side C didn't exist. IMF and Coachella are kinda cringe but they at least have a good vibe. I don't always care about the lyrics. It's cringy in a BTD kind of way but not too cringe for me not to enjoy it. This is the album where she started with the painfully long titles and I'm not having it. 

  13. Speaking of LFL, as much as I love that album, I feel like the 'vintage' effect on her voice was so overdone. First that came into my mind are In My Feelings, Coachella and Freak (I know it's from HM) . It's kinda off. It's kinda her signature sound but in some songs it sounds like a bad quality mp3 song from 2007. She did it so subtle in UV and the instruments matched perfectly,probably because it was the microphone itself that made that sound. 

  14. 3 hours ago, baddisease said:

    Cherry is better clean tbh. I hate the random "fucks"


    The random 'fucks' was the only reason I didn't like that song in 2017. It was the only thing I remembered after the first listening. Years later I started loving the song. 

  15. 1 hour ago, AOK said:

    What did y'all think about this Sky's look?




    It's giving Courtney Love coke head era, in a bad way... 

    The outfit is giving Thrift Shop by Macklemore. Her hair is fucked up, the makeup is so messy that it would've probably look bad even on Adriana Lima. Her face expression is very awkward. 

    The soft grunge princess Sky Ferreira can do much much better than this. 

  16. 12 hours ago, EmptyPromises said:


    R.I.P. her best era, peak everything for ha 


    Electra Heart is superior sis. Family Jewels was her awkward pre-teen era. 

  17. 19 hours ago, backseat said:

    does anyone else have a feeling that sky wasn’t planning on saying anything last month and then she started getting all of the hate was like “we need to come up with something real quick” and put the teaser together super last minute to avoid the backlash she would’ve gotten? idk i especially feel like that because the aesthetic is so different from what has been of the masochism “era” so far, DL and most of the photoshoots from the last few years were going down a completely different visual direction haha i was NOT expecting the sudden 80s new-wave thing in the trailer. i wonder what the music video is gonna look like


    I always thought Masochism had an 80s vibe. Maybe it became even more prominent since the 80s new wave is very trendy ever since After Hours and Future Nostalgia. Even if she changed the direction over the years, it's completely valid and I would do it the same. Sky's vibe in NTMT has always been heavily late 80s - early 90s. 

  18. 1 hour ago, blameitonme said:


    it’s a party scene that was quite popular from 2006(?) til 2012 and sky was very much in it, it didn’t have a name until last year i think.


    look at @indiesleaze on instagram for more pics/context


    think lady gaga just dance music video, katy perry and american apparel vibes 


    Ahaam, I checked it. Based on the pictures it's basically 2000s millenia grunge, except it lacks rock and probably had Tonight I'm Loving You playing in the background. I literally thought it was more soft grunge and tumblr-ish because of Sky and the definitions. Not impressed :wtf:, many of those indie sleaze celebs are either Karens or/and boring af now.

  19. What is even indie sleaze? I keep seeing some posts announcing its comeback and I see that Sky and Kate Moss are the faces of it. There are a thousand definitions. I assume people on this thread know it because Sky is heavily associated with it. 

  20. 9 hours ago, godsmonster said:

    the amount of musicians who I've seen get excited over this is a lil crazy






    Noah Cyrus


    like I had no idea she was "well known" I legit thought she was just an indie-ish artist because none of my friends know her (except some but that's because of me)


    Same. I was surprised, the list is larger now. I think it also has to do with her knowing a lot of people behind the scenes. None of mx friends know about her either except my gay friend but we live different songs from her, so I can at least share this moment with someone irl :awkney2:

  21. 7 hours ago, AOK said:

    Well, not everyone wants to be "mainstream". I personally don't consider artist's mainstreamness to be the success metre of any sort. Actually, the fact that she doesn't attempt to be mainstream is one of the factors that makes me love her as an artist - she's not fake, not artificial, and she doesn't try to adjust to trends just to gather stronger listeners base. All the bitches are now opting for barely 3 minute-long tracks just to gain more for less, whereas in case of Sky, I highly doubt she would deliver an album full of 2 minutes-something-long trenders.


    I respect artists who don't sell themselves for mainstream success but I can't help but feel bad for my favorite indie artists who probably barely make anything and will be forgotten as soon as they quit music. By mainstream I didn't mean all of the radio and tiktok mainstream, but rather some moderate popularity where those artists made some kind of buzz in the music scene of that era. 

  22. 3 hours ago, EmptyPromises said:

    So do I get upgraded to Stan after having lived through a fake announcement?



    Lmao same for me :toofloppy:


    This is fun and all but the one who suffers the most here is still her. We have our own lives and can live without her music. She, on the other hand, is sabotaging her job and any chance of

    being mainstream. If she's willing to continue that by not communicating with her fan base or being passive aggressive, with fake announcements, not releasing music, so beat it. 

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