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Posts posted by shady

  1. On 6/25/2022 at 2:58 PM, sadhotforever said:

    It's so weird how fatphobic ppl are about Lana, even her subreddit says the most concerning things underneath old BTD photos of her.


    I usually hate when they call celebs unrecognizable. Babe, if they were unrecognizable the paparazzi and fans wouldn't be recognizing that person. It's basically the politically correct version of calling someone ugly.

  2. 14 hours ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:


    break up with your boyfriend? i'd leave him and find someone better 


    14 hours ago, palemoonbaby said:

    Dump his ass


    Lmao he actually respects me and is more of a simp than an asshole and I'm literally in charge. He's just uneducated and is into some right wing bullshit mentality, like many guys here. I'll try to educate him and tell what actually happens when it's banned and why it's not murder ffs nor its going to stop. Like a wise man said "When does life start then? During ejaculation?" 


    I also read some comments from women pro-lifers and can't believe how people are selfish and gross. Just because you're a mom and religious doesn't mean everyone will be in the same situation. Everyone is also pro-sex until someone gets knocked-out and they people blame her for having sex at all. They even lie how ungodly women abort multiple times a year. What? A woman will probably be sterilized after so many abortions. I'm not promiscuous and pro-abortion not so I could abort once a year because it's thrilling, it's for other people's sake and maybe I'll need it once im my life. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Pale Fire said:

    No seriously though Americans are fucking crazy. The fact that your entire political system is soooooo skewed to the right that you think people like Bernie / AOC etc are political extremists is so fucking sad. Your entire system is fucked. It makes me so upset for ppl living (surviving) there


    I can't take seriously the same people who think that free healthcare is communism and that they "don't want to pay other people's medical bills". I don't blame them 100%, that's what generations of propaganda does. The tax money that should've gone into heathcare goes into their military that destroys other countries. 


    Also my parents and grandparents grew up during the big bad communism and got free apartments that aren't made of cardboard and still are of better quality than the fancy glass ones. But I guess we're more free for not being able to afford any roof over our heads without draining ourselves into debt until the age of 60.


    Also, my boyfriend is pro-life and when I brought up the rape and the life risk argument he left me on read. Like dude, if your mom was at that situation what would you say? So selfish. Do they think life starts at ejaculation or erection? 

  4. I just saw this gross article in my country by a famous magazine. 


    It has a clickbait title of Lana's alcoholism at 14. They glossed over that writing what every Lana fan knows, than processed to talk about her weight gain, writing that she let herself go and is unrecognizable and comparing her BTD pics to unflattering recent photos. Then they said that her latest album is COCC. Imagine not even Googling her to see that she released an album more than 6 months ago. 

  5. I'm from Eastern Europe and terrified that this will motivate pro-lifers to do something here. Abortions are legal since the 50s and people don't really care about abortions here but everything's possible with enough of propaganda. 


    As for banning abortions, they should really see Romania's history and how many children had suffered in orphanages and how many women had died. Actually, who gives a shit about children once they're born, it's all about controlling women. I don't see any law that controls men but men have the audacity to complain about child support. Sorry this is all over place, I'm just irritated by how people can be vile. The meni behind this campaign would probably pay their mistress to have an abortion. 

  6. I'm on Tiktok and I usually come across to normal content because algorithm BUT once I was on fyp ulogged and literally thought everything was satire. 


    Lana tok is weird-ish but not too much. I usually come across to songs and the outfits that go with them or people making Pinterest boards of songs and albums. Sometimes I come across those coquette girls with dark circles that look like they're 12 and on heroin that are honestly so gross but see myself as a teen wanting to be them. I feel like these people have no personality when your entire existence is fabricated based on something you saw on the internet. 

  7. The song is literally generic 90s dance music that was popular in 2014-2017 and that I would eat it up in 2015. 





    It's giving this. I still love this for parties but not as a single from such a prestige singer like Beyonce in 2022.

  8. 16 hours ago, KimKaDAB said:

    I agree, and that's one of the things that really make me go ????? about Sky and this era, because she REALLY REALLY wants to make Masochism a regular era, she said lots of times that didn't want to simply release the album and she's also following the same rollout plan that she had since 2019, idk why that's a must for her


    I also feel like she was relying on her label too much. Tinashe was neglected by her label, had her last album delayed and horribly promoted so she left the label and started her own. It's not easy, extremely expensive and risqué but since she's been posting music videos and released two albums that look pretty high budget I assume that she's thriving. Sky has a cult like following and I believe that she would be able to live as an indie artist but homegirl probably wanted Lana's level of fame as an alt pop queen. 

  9. 2 hours ago, 111 said:

    her discography is actually horrible :air2: 90% of it are scraps collected, night time my time and downhill lullaby are style over substance, she has the worst unreleased/early catalog compared to her peers, cross you out is great but just she just sang the verse that was already there so it's entirely a charli song, her covers are cute but they are covers


    her best work is Ghost EP and her best songs are ghost, everything is embarrassing, too many boys, one way to heaven, 24 hours, i blame myself, you're not the one, descending and guardian :air2: hang it up delishious



    The songs are more focused on the melody and ambient than the lyrics, which is nothing new and I love it.


    It's shit but it's nowhere near the worst. The majority has a bad early catalog including Lana in her teenage years. The songs were trendy at the time and One's aesthetic reminds me of Gossip Girl and late 2000s high fashion.

  10. 2 hours ago, vitriolkisses said:

    That Guardian interview was actually pretty sad. Some excerpts below for those who care 

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    “Otherwise it is hard to draw Ferreira on specifics, though her erraticness seems less like the trait of an unreliable narrator than a woman who has frequently been made to doubt her own reality, whether by the police who told her she invited sexual assault (twice) as a young teenager because she was quiet, or the mercurial employer she has been tethered to for half her life.”


    “She describes her experiences with Capitol since Night Time as “grey-listing”, and claims the label says people don’t want to work with her. “Well, no, they might not wanna work with you guys, actually,” she says. She says they call her “crazy, I’m mentally ill, I’m difficult, I’m unprofessional – oh, I’m a drug addict. That’s by far everyone’s go-to.”


    “Things changed recently when Ferreira asked Capitol to acknowledge what they had put her through. “You have literally ruined my life,” she says emphatically. “My life was taken from me. It’s not just like a job to me. It’s literally me. It was like literally being in solitary confinement. I felt like I was gagged and bound.”


    “And some Masochism songs allude to an unspecified abusive relationship. “Once I do trust someone, I’m loyal to a fault,” she says. “I’ll stay in a situation because I don’t want to feel like I’m going to hurt them, yet they can treat me like a punching bag,” she says with a desperate laugh. She says one person gaslit her to the point of a nervous breakdown.”


    “I’m more just frustrated about the gaps between my records. And I got robbed of my 20s.” Another wheezy laugh. Since returning to the public eye, “people are talking about me like I’m an old crone now. It’s funny but because I’m not always posting pictures of myself, they’re expecting me to look like I’m 18. I don’t really have lines on my face. But also, I’ve been through a lot so it probably shows!”



    This is so sad to hear but I'm not surprised. She did get robbed when she was in her "prime" years according to Hollywood and now she will probably face a lot of ageism if she manages to even get near her NTMT relevance. Notice how she acknowledged that people called her difficult and unprofessional. There's probably truth in that but we hear successful celebs being assholes everyday. I highly doubt she's that bad that everyone avoids her like the plague. This may sound tone deaf and it's not but her career is an example why people need a plan B when pursuing music or something related to art or starting a business. I applaud celebrities when they have a bachelor's degree. It's extremely hard but we always need a plan B in life. 

  11. 23 minutes ago, 111 said:

    she ruined descending... people pretending her vocals are good... ma'am she is inaudible on the chorus :air2: her voice disappears when she goes falsetto... the struggle bus... 



    and no one talking about her firing the video editor for dont forget and that's probably why we still don't have it... and then she fired one of the sound guys on the day of one of her performances :lmao:it's always the fault of other people on why things don't come out, why her performances are shit, why anything remotely negative happens around her... she isn't owning up to or taking just a bit of responsibility in any of those interviews :yawn:


    She's an album artist. Stop being a hater. She doesn't have to be good live even though she's making money off of it. You should be grateful that she's blessing us with a song. 

    /s for those who didn't get it

  12. 6 hours ago, Thunder said:

    I am not going to go into details or name the album because 1. I love the album and 2.I will be slaughtered by you all, however, I will say that there's a certain Lana album that I am CONFIDENT some of you don't like as much as you say you do, and you only use it as a personality trait :oprah3: it's giving...pretentiousness 


    Born To Die? It's clear that many people on LB don't think it's artistically as good as her older albums. I've also seen people (usually outside of LB) using the themes as their personally trait by pretending to be into sugar dadies and emulating the Lolita aesthetic (gross).

  13. Guys I wish Sky would be as big as Halsey. In an alternative universe she would sell milions of copies but she sadly remained underrated with a debut album for 10 years.


    On the other hand, it's a pretty stan behavior to act like she was doing us a favor for releasing music and performing. She's literally doing a job she chose to. She's not doing charity work. She's releasing music/an albums as a product for us to consume and buy and perform to pay bills. Everything here is constructive criticism by fans who think she's doing a half assed work. When it comes to mental health, we have little info about her life and honestly I don't feel comfortable discussing about stuff she doesn't share. But still, there are mentally ill artists that still perform better than her and she's been performing the exact same way since 2013. 

  14. If I owned a record label or was a manager I wouldn't want to work with Sky. She has good music but this kind of messiness is extremely bad. Who would want an unreliable artist that can't sell millions and has mental issues that badly affect their career? If her voice and sound was bad but she showed passion and confidence then it would've been much better. People don't want to watch insecure artists. Imagine having an important presentation for work or in college and saying "I was bad, wasn't I? :biblio:". Rappers usually sound bad live but people still watch them because they're so confident and hype their audience. I literally facepalmed when I read @sophiesmom post about her saying that she was bad and her fans comforting her. That sounds like something a teenager would do or a quirky main character in a Disney movie/series. Like girl, don't go for huge gigs if you're not mentally prepared.

  15. 36 minutes ago, medievalthots said:

    sky "performed" at another festival today and to no one's surprise, it was a mess again




    Being a stan has never been harder except for Lana in 2020/21 but at least she was releasing music

    Halsey's haters have been really quiet for some time. I remember them whining on this thread for Halsey being more successful than Sky...

  16. Lets all agree that Sky has no stage presence. She moves like she's in a karaoke bar and her genre of music and outfits don't help it either. She looks so uninterested and not in a Kurt Cobain kind of way. The technical difficulties were a cherry on the top. In more than 10 years she still managed to stay at the level of other local indie artists that perform at bars and have barely any experience. Kind of embarrassing. Small indie bands that perform at my ex local high school look like MJ compared to Sky.

  17. 1 hour ago, Lonely Planet said:

    I am really happy for her. But all her marriages in the past have never ended up well. If they make it past another 5 years I will be surprised. 


    I mean, celeb marriages usually last for 5 years. On the other hand, whenever I think how Sam may be a user I remember that he dated a woman with no rights for 5 years. Nobody knew when and if she will ever be free and she was flopping at the time. Maybe he was after her for the wrong reasons but fell in love eventually. Britney's known for having a sweet personality.

  18. 12 hours ago, rightofjupiter said:


    i find this so fascinating. BTD is my least fav lana album but can't argue that it is isn't intensely beloved bc of stuff like this. like why this album? i get that she made a huge impact when it was released but?? the sound is so dated to me.


    It's still THE Lana Del Rey album like it or not. I noticed that if someone's album had huge success and the others had a little less sales, the artist will be associated with that album forever. BTD was such a bold introduction to the mainstream that none of her other albums can emulate that. I personally wish any other album was on Billboard because it makes it seem like it's her only good album and everything after that were flops and meh.

  19. 16 hours ago, Motorcycle Love Divine said:

    this is lowkey better than the song itself, i wish it was the actual intro



    It looks like the coolest old production company intro or an intro to a retro Netflix series. That intro made me having high standards more than I should've.

  20. On 5/23/2022 at 9:54 PM, Junkie Noir said:

    I skip Pretty When You Cry most of the time 


    Omg me too but I still love that song. The tempo is too slow even for my chill playlist but now I miss that kind of style from her. Ai only ever hesr it when listening to the UV record. If she released it in BB or COCC I would eat it up. I loved that song back in my tumblr grunge phase but I quickly stop having the desire to listen to it along with bands like The Neighborhood.

  21. 4 hours ago, Alison by Slowdive said:

    not sure why my 13yo self didn't connect to all but besides cola, body electric, ride monologue, and blue velvet, the rest of paradise have done absolutely nothing 4 me :sadcore: (yayo did for a time until i discovered the aka version which is just so much more me) 


    At 13 I was obsessed...get ready for it.....


    Born To Die Gemini dubstep remix and Young and Beautiful Kaskade remix. Those remixes including Simmertime Sadness made me listen to her original versions.

    I went to hear those remixes and the parts before the drop still sound good but the drops ruin the songs.

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