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Alison by Slowdive

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Everything posted by Alison by Slowdive

  1. fingertips did you know there's a tunnel under ocean blvd paris, texas kintsugi jon batiste interlude peppers a&w let the light in the grants sweet candy necklace taco truck judah interlude grandfather margaret fishtails
  2. !! i listened to 10 seconds + read its lyrics lol (half trying to practice some self control)
  3. wishing that ur love could stay for twenty million years <3
  4. sometimes i kinda don't mind when we never get the real lyrics (esp in the case for unreleased) bc then the lyrics can be whatever u personally need/want to hear (unmanifesting in this case tho lol)
  5. another update fingertips jon batiste interlude did you know there's a tunnel the grants let the light in a&w paris, texas kintsugi sweet (which i love soo much!) peppers grandfather fishtail candy necklace taco truck margaret judah interlude
  6. i can't stop listening to fingertips on loop i love it more than anything but thank fuck im a stronger person than i was when wildflower wildfire came out my wildflower wildfire, hope is a dangerous thing, try tonight, and out w a bang playlist is complete w fingertips
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