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Posts posted by bluechemtrails

  1. 7 hours ago, rightofjupiter said:

    can't believe st vincent won for daddy's home...i thought that album was so lifeless and mediocre (esp in comparison to her other albums) BUT her dress tonight is incredible


    edit to say i think she's an incredible musician obvs just hated this album

    produced by Jack, he won again

  2. 24 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I can't fucking stand the spoken part in Carmen. It makes a perfect song a 9/10 instead of a 10 :crying4:

    Also why french when it's a Spanish name :wtf3:

    the explanation is difficult

    according to Genius


    The structure of the song is similar to the ‘Wanted’ poem in Lolita by Nabokov which also has a stanza written in French.



    As a fan of Nabokov’s important piece of literature Lolita, she is further inspired by another tale found within this literature, which references another tragic love story of Carmen by Prosper Mérimée.

    this is the poem 'Wanted'


  3. 15 minutes ago, littleredpartydress said:

    ok but if she does release an album this summer I will be lowkey shocked as that would be 3 albums in like 15 months and that just seems insane to me :rip: 


    I feel like it will be a NFR situation where she teases her fav songs/ puts singles and stuff out for like a year and releases it next summer since it seems like they are very much still working on it

    imagine, we can have the first new single already this year :excited:

  4. 7 minutes ago, BartenderDeco said:

    we would never bully you :dafuq:

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    now describe it



    15 hours ago, lustforlife said:

    My husband said: WAVES when i asked about the sound :eartha2:


    15 hours ago, lustforlife said:

    I guess we will get a beach sound instatead of a ranch sound like bb and cocc

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