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Posts posted by bluechemtrails

  1. 48 minutes ago, mlittle11 said:

    i wonder why lana went back to jack after using different producers for bb?? i prefer the music shes worked on with jack in comparison to what was done on bb BUT i just want to know lanas thought process. 

    nfr was her last successful album, liked by critics and listeners (at least on Spotify). so for me it's no wonder that she gives Jack a new try, maybe also her best chance for grammy ambitions...

  2. 1 hour ago, The Love Witch said:

    Not another Jack album. She really wants to fucking torture/bore me to death. Lana gurl…stop it with the country shit! 😩😩😩

    Jack doesn't have to mean country, it can be surf music as well :dua:

  3. If you find any true statements about the future in Lana's lyrics, it's probably because they're sometimes a bit cryptic and ambiguous, as was the case with Nostradamus' texts. But actually, she writes more about things that have already happened, like the wildfires in California.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

    I feel like something always leaks before there's a Lana announcement/release :creepna:

    Like MMITPM before West Coast, Because Of You right before UV (album), BAR right when LFL rollout started, French Restaurant and Bellevue before the triple BB singles...

    I'm sure there's something going on behind the scenes :true:

    maybe it happens because they're scrapping possible songs from the album...

  5. 56 minutes ago, COCC said:

    He‘s a comedian and was doing his job. He didn‘t attack her, it was a simple joke. You may not like that joke or even feel hurt, but that doesn‘t give you the right to literally assault someone. 

    A joke on the cost of someone, especially on their appearance is bad. You can also not make a racist joke or something, I don't know how it's called in this situation. He maybe didn't know from her illness but even then it was not good. I also heard that he had some problems with Will's family before.

    I think in this situation Will reacted pure emotionally without thinking what he's doing and what consequences it has. That was not very clever, especially if the whole world is watching. But he later regretted it, and Chris hasn't filed a complaint yet, so I think they're at peace now.

    An emotional pain can sometimes hurt more than a physical one.


  6. I nominate this slap scene in the categories "Best Drama" and "Action"



    if you condemn this, then also every movie scene where someone defends his girlfriend or wife in the same way e.g. Back to the Future. And a slap in the face is still the most harmless thing


  7. 3 hours ago, Leader of The Pack said:

    No he didn’t omg. Will is lucky he didnt get his cuck ass beat or kicked out

    Put yourself in his wife's shoes, that was highly embarrassing and hurtful. Anyone who loves their partner would have done it.


    2 hours ago, Tropico Angel said:

    I was getting major second-hand embarrassment from that slap and shouting. How juvenile do you have to be to do that right then and there? If you want to beat him up at least wait until after the event. If he was doing it to make a statement, the only statement he made was that he is pathetic and has the anger management skills of a 14 yr old boy. Rob's right - the Oscars were sad af :pft:

    this is just a normal reaction if someone hurts the feelings of your partner


  8. 1 hour ago, PatentLeatherDoOver said:

    Lana’s social media posts often reflect aspects of her record (which makes sense given how autobiographical her albums are), so I’m curious to see how this translates to LDR9. For example, with past records, she’s posted relevant quotes, aesthetics, literary references, etc. 


    The posts/replies from the past few months have been so vastly different that it’s hard to find a common theme, but she does seem to be enjoying life. I’d love a feeling like in Venice Bitch where she seems to just be having fun, using cheeky one-liners and just vibing with the music lol. “Everything, whatever” was so simple but so iconic:krylie:

    I see more thoughtfulness and inner reflection, also a preference for vintage art. But it's hard to tell if these are her purely private attitudes/interests or have to do with ldr9. Just the fact that she now only posts from her honeymoon account seems to blur all lines.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    Jack strikes me as an all-rounder in that he can play like 75 different instruments (apparently) AND mix AND master

    But like if you need a harpist, for example, you'd be better off getting a dedicated one 

    I think Lana probably likes him because she can just make spontaneous decisions in the studio like "oh yeah I want a cello in the intro" and Jack's there with his cello that he probably hasn't played since 1998 

    I'm not trynna say he's not good at anything but I think he spreads himself too thin 

    There's no one thing he does that I think is particularly brilliant; his most impressive quality is how many things he does not to mention his uncanny ability to rope in every pop and alt pop girl on the planet

    I like the way he can keep an album coherent so that it sounds in a certain style throughout.

     It is no coincidence that he has already won so many Grammys.


  10. 3 hours ago, West Coast said:

    Venice Bitch & White Dress are imho the only Jack produced tracks that are truly amazing, that is unquestionable. The rest, however, hit or miss (mostly miss) :scoff:



    3 hours ago, the ocean said:

    the only good jack production moments are venice bitch & chemtrails


    the rest of nfr + cocc are only good because of lana's talents and they'd probably be better if they weren't produced by jack

    what? alone nfr is a masterpiece, best produced album ever

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