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Posts posted by bluechemtrails

  1. Does it mean something when she makes that indifferent or non-smiling face?  We know that she is actually a very funny person. :ahh:

    And I just realized that picnic benches look the same around the globe.


  2. 20 minutes ago, bigspender said:

    sorry everyone the vinyls cancelled <3 

    It says *As a heads up, we'll
    be unable to re-publish the project page (or
    proceed to pressing) until receiving
    documentation showing that you have the
    correct license(s) to press this project to vinyl.* So I assume it means they’re unable to press it :/

    maybe ask Ethel if she can mail to them, that everything is ok?

  3. 39 minutes ago, The Stargirl Pinky said:

    This song was on my Discover Weekly playlist and it’s got such a cool western vibe with nice lyrics

    and the sunlight shines right through

    you thought you were done with those days

    but they ain’t done with you 


    interesting band, this sounds also good


  4. Russia's justification for this "special operation" is ridiculous. Even if the country feels "threatened" by NATO, they simply don't understand that other sovereign countries with elected democratic representatives can make their own decisions about which alliances to join. And after this action, even the most stubborn NATO doubters will change their minds, which means that Russia has achieved the opposite of what it wanted.

  5. I like the accoustiness of most of the songs. You enjoy listening to the instruments, and of course Lana's voice. There is such a cozy, calm atmosphere. The first two songs have their own dreamy mood. White Dress reminisces, while Chemtrails hypnotizes and transports you to another world. Yosemite and Wanderlust sound like a hike through a wooded mountain range, far from civilization. And wilderness is also connected with the song "Wild At Heart" and the wolves in the Chemtrails video. Yes, a lot of things fit together here, a very coherent album.

  6. 40 minutes ago, COCC said:

    Can you even remember the storyline every time you start reading again? :hide:

    my biggest problem is to remember the characters and what was in their mind in the last weeks or months :defeated: it's so demotivating, but I can't start reading another book before I've finished this 1500 page opus

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