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Posts posted by bluechemtrails

  1. 21 minutes ago, Elle said:

    Just gonna say that I did not eliminate Cola and G&M just for the worst song of Paradise to win over the best one :wtf:

    Anyway, admin overruling, Body Electric wins! :hype:

    The song that is saved moves to the bottom of the list x

    admins may only select once for Body Electric from now on :um:

  2. 9 hours ago, The Siren said:

    oh shit two of my Paradise trinity are left :wowcry:


    American wins! 

    Ok if no one wants:


    Body Electric


    Let's make a new bigger round with all songs from BTD Paradise Edition (including three songs we forgot). This time I'll give OTTR a better chance.

    1. Born to Die
    2. Off to the Races
    3. Blue Jeans
    4. Video Games
    5. Diet Mountain Dew
    6. National Anthem
    7. Dark Paradise
    8. Radio
    9. Carmen
    10. Million Dollar Man
    11. Summertime Sadness
    12. This Is What Makes Us Girls
    13. Without You
    14. Lolita
    15. Lucky Ones
    16. Ride
    17. American
    18. Cola
    19. Body Electric
    20. Blue Velvet
    21. Gods & Monsters
    22. Yayo
    23. Bel Air
    24. Burning Desire

  3. On 4/6/2022 at 12:21 AM, DragonWhore said:

    -Don’t expect it to drop within the next 6 mos 

    - Poetry book coming first


    7 hours ago, DragonWhore said:

    You’ll see when Del Norte County drops in July.default_ohmy.gif


      Reveal hidden contents

    Release date has been pushed up, according to xxxxxx. 


    it's funny how some things just change in a day, or even in an hour 


    why I feel we're getting fooled?  :um2:




  4. 10 minutes ago, Niko Dealergo said:

    I absolutely don’t understand the narrative of “if you don’t like her new albums; it’s just because you don’t get it” it’s a very weak excuse. I related less to Born To Die at 17 than I do with Blue Banisters at 27. 

    I absolutely get the feelings and emotions on the albums, there’re just not all for me. 

    I think it means you should be aware that there are people, who get into it and enjoy it, so the album doesn't have to be as bad as you think (just bad for yourself).

  5. 32 minutes ago, hotshot2am said:



    Posting this here instead of the sightings section because I don't know source, date and location but it seems new. Maybe @Elle knows.

    first posted yesterday, but idk if that's the original source


  6. 4 minutes ago, avenue said:

    dark paradise



    million dollar man


    this is what makes

    born to die

    national anthem


    blue jeans 3 sizes too big and the dye came off in the washer

    The game is to take the first two and discard one of them. If you want discard Blue Jeans you have to wait until it's again in the top of the list.

  7. Ok, I wanna try a new game, it works like this:

    We start with the full song list of the album.

    1. Born to Die
    2. Off to the Races
    3. Blue Jeans
    4. Video Games
    5. Diet Mountain Dew
    6. National Anthem
    7. Dark Paradise
    8. Radio
    9. Carmen
    10. Million Dollar Man
    11. Summertime Sadness
    12. This Is What Makes Us Girls

    Someone takes the first two tracks, one is discarded and the other that survived is put at the bottom of the list.

    1. Blue Jeans
    2. Video Games
    3. Diet Mountain Dew
    4. National Anthem
    5. Dark Paradise
    6. Radio
    7. Carmen
    8. Million Dollar Man
    9. Summertime Sadness
    10. This Is What Makes Us Girls
    11. Born to Die

    Off to the Races

    Ok, my first move, now the next one.

  8. 1 hour ago, avenue said:


    part of why i don't like jack or drew is not that they're bad producers or songwriters but because they don't add literally anything


    it's like eating cheetos or something - looks good and might taste good to some people and it won't kill you but it has zero nutritional value and there's not a lot of joy in eating a lot of it for a long time

    I see this as a strength! They let her talented voice in the spotlight without pushing themselves too much into the foreground. Their instrumentation is only an accompaniment or refinement, not dominating over everything, where the voice becomes arbitrary and interchangeable.

  9. 1 hour ago, CinnamonGay said:

    Can some Insiders please step up and help us through this dry spring...like fr. Nothing is getting me thru these months except ldr9 single anticipation .


    Now would be a good time to ask BoZ or some reliable insider for info..

    How different impressions can be. For me, the past few weeks have been very exciting: Buddy's Rendezvous, Cult Leader leak, Paradise and Serial Killer drama, Jack and Rob in the studio, Taylor collab rumour, sightings and selfies on Instagram ... It couldn't be more entertaining. :popcorn:

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