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Everything posted by bluechemtrails

  1. Lana preparing for her twitter comeback
  2. There's a strange theory floating around in my head. WCE is actually RCS and was intended as title track for LDR8. But Interscope had other things in mind, they entered into a strategic partnership with the makers of Euphoria and stole the song from the album. Lana had no choice but to rename her album and postpone the release, because now a song was missing and possibly the concept was no longer right. This could explain the entire chaos around the release of Blue Banisters.
  3. I think this refers to the title track, which entered the UK charts (#44) with the release of the album, but was not released as a single
  4. Has anyone heard the song on the radio yet? It will be featured on a German youth radio station in about an hour: https://www.sputnik.de/sendungen/firstplay-100.html
  5. Because of its repetitiveness, this song is made for replay, getting better and better as you run it on a loop. This goes so far that after a few replays I can't tell if I'm at the beginning, middle or end of the song, so I can feel the lostness she's singing about.
  6. Some fans like: why can't this soft soundtrack, meant for a sad movie scene, sound like a rocking, richly produced dance hit with electric guitar and drums?
  7. What about the mention of colors in various songs and Picasso in Beautiful? And before the name 'Blue Banisters' was announced 'Rock Candy Sweet', so there has to be a close relationship.
  8. the lyrics video is worldwide trending on #12 https://kworb.net/youtube/trending.html
  9. According to Tunebat, the best Lana song played after this one is IYLDWM and (more distantly UV). So it's in the group with For Free, California and White Dress.
  10. Why do people rank songs? There is no best or worst song, they just have to be put in the right order to sound the best. I'll make a thread about harmonic mixing sometime and show you what I mean.
  11. you have to put yourself in her situation, there is so much vulnerability in this song
  12. Maybe there exists another version with bridge (wishing for that) and they decided to cut it in the last moment.
  13. One of her most beautiful songs. I got a deeper feel for it last night. I also like her very first lyrics video!
  14. I think it depends on the country in the settings of your account, unfortunately it's not easy to change
  15. interesting that everyone has different associations with the song, I think this depends on individual musical preferences
  16. it's also possible to rate the song on the AOTY website: https://www.albumoftheyear.org/album/459961-lana-del-rey-watercolor-eyes.php
  17. Please don't try to find me through my hosting provider
  18. really don't know where they got this idea: https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Search?query=drugs&scope=internal&navigationSearch=true
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