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Everything posted by bluechemtrails

  1. While trying to make a yt playlist with unreleased songs I noticed that a lot of FR videos were deleted in the past weeks shortly after being uploaded, like it's happening with a lot of Thunder videos. What could this only mean? ? By the way, would be a good soundtrack for a disney film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgQAJ-piqJU
  2. It's maybe because the words are phonetically the same: d[ea]l[e]r D[e]l R[ey]
  3. Maybe something fallish like moss, chestnut or nutmeg?
  4. Discovered for the first time, I really love this Gramma video:
  5. if 'soonish' is > 2 months, what is then 'later later'?
  6. I like this back cover: https://dbree.org/v/3f12ca Who of you has done this? A song about her cats (Niko and Topanga) would be lovely.
  7. Really? That's surprising. For me there is almost no weak song on this album.
  8. Only fan stuff, but is has the right Lana vibes
  9. The video for the last NFR track ends at the same pool, which is seen in the title track, do you remember?
  10. If she releases bb album like video for "hope is a dangerous thing...":
  11. I don't think so. "Blue Banisters" is a very metaphoric title, maybe it expresses the atmosphere of the whole album. The color blue is mentioned in many of her songs (e.g. Freak, Norman Fucking Rockwell, Venice Bitch or Get Free), it seems to have a very special meaning.
  12. We will see at least tomorrow if the dates could be right.
  13. And this two days before her next single should be released according to a secret plan: https://dbree.org/v/612092 Is that coincidence?
  14. Mysteriousness is part of her nature.
  15. If there's a germ of truth in it, we don't have to wait too long for the next single:
  16. I heard someone saying Lanas music makes sad people happy and happy people to feel sad.
  17. I think the last song "Get Free" from Lust For Life could be as well on NFR and "Tomorrow Never Came" would be not wrong on Chemtrails. If you look carefully there are always some songs at the end that fit better for the next or after next album. It's like a preview where the journey will still go.
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